Chapter 109: Getting Help From Strange

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Evander's Pov

(Unknown Realm, May, 2025, Evander's Age: 28)

I was running with Defender Strange, and America as we was being chased by a demon like creature, and I looked behind me and saw it getting close.

Evander: It's getting close Strange do something!!

Defender Strange then uses his magic to freeze it and that gave us more time.

America: *in spanish* Did that kill it?

Defender Strange: *in spanish* No. *points in the distance* That's how we kill it.

Evander: I better hope you is right!

America: The Book of Vishanti!

My spider sense went off as I saw the creature started chasing us again.

Defender Strange: Can't let it take your power America. Get to the book.

America: How do we get across?

Defender Strange: Jump.

We soon jumped as I punched the creature making it flies back and we lands on a pillar. We land on something as the creature was right in front of us as it stabbed Defender Strange and grabbed me and tosses me away but I shot a web and web zip close to the others and punched the creature again. Defender Strange started moving the rocks towards the creature and it was covered up in rubble and I started shooting webs at it closing the holes but the creature tries to break through my webs and the rubble.

Defender Strange: *struggling* It's too strong I can't hold it. *looks at America* I'm so sorry. This is the only way.

Evander: Strange what are you about to do?

Defender Strange starts to takes America powers after trapping me in magic chains.

Evander: Strange the fuck?!

America: What are you doing?

Defender Strange: I can't let that thing take your power America. You can't control it. But I can. 

America: But we're friends! You're killing me!

Evander: Strange stop this now!!

Defender Strange: I know. But in the grand calculus of the Multiverse, your sacrifice is worth more than your-

He was soon stabbed by the creature as America drops to the ground and i was lose from the chains, as we saw the book and started making our way there dodging the creature's attacks. We soon was close to the book but we was soon grabbed from the creature was I was getting wrapped up America started to freak out as her powers went off. Defender Strange using what moments he has left uses his magic and cut me and America off and we was soon sucked into the star shaped portal.

(Some Time Later)

We was once again being chased by another creature as it grabbed me and throws me into a building. I pushed the rubble off from me and jumps out of the building where I saw this universe Doctor Strange cut a bus in half.

Doctor Strange: *looks at America* Do I know you?

The creature knocked Strange away as I web kick it but it grabbed me again slamming into the ground multiple of times and I let out a shadow shockwave causing it to stumble back as I landed on the ground.

Evander: *groans* Gonna feel that in the morning. *gets up and saw it chase after America* Just my damn luck.

I start chasing after it as I saw Wong appeared and saved America as I landed down next to them.

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