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Last week the unthinkable happened. My parents died. Car accident. And it broke me.

I've been laying in my bed for the past week, with red, puffy eyes, thinking about everything and nothing at the same time. I still couldn't believe my parents were gone. Both of them. Gone, just like that.

The night before we had laughed and joked around. We played loads of card games. And, although my parents and I were extremely competitive, we let my little sister, Emma, win all of them.

I know I should be there for my sister. She turned six a few months ago, so I don't think she fully understands what happened. But she knows that her mom and dad haven't been home for already a week now.

Someone has to take care of her, and I know that someone should and will be me. But, god, I only just turned 18. I can barely take care of myself, let alone a six year old.

My mom's name was Anna. Was. That sounds wrong. I know I should accept the fact that they're gone, but it's just too hard. I want to keep a hold of that little bit of faith that they'll come back eventually. Even though i know that will never happen.

My mom was Dutch and my dad, Peter, was English. Therefor, me and my little sister are half Dutch and half English.

Currently, I was living in the Netherlands. We moved here when I was 11 and Emma wasn't even born yet. I spoke fluent Dutch, something I had worked very hard on. All to make sure that I would blend in perfectly with the rest of society.

I don't like standing out or being the center of attention at all. I'd much rather be on the background and go unnoticed. Many people think it's weird, they say everyone likes attention. Maybe I do like a bit of attention, but only from the people I care about. When it comes to unfamiliar faces or really anything out of my comfort zone, I'd much rather listen than talk.

My Dutch wasn't the only thing I had worked very hard on. When me and my family moved to the Netherlands, I got to play for Ajax in the academy. Everyday I worked my butt off to make sure that I had a solid future for me and my little sister.

Now, I was in the senior team and we had just finished the season. This summer my contract would expire, and so I had a choice: stay at Ajax or leave to go play for another club. Though, I already knew my decision. I was leaving. Me and Emma were going back to England. I had much to choose from, because I just had an amazing season with Ajax, getting to the quarterfinals of the Champions League and winning the domestic league.

Despite the many offers, I knew where my heart belonged. I was born and raised there until the age of 11. And my mom and dad were both hardcore fans of this club. So, really, I couldn't see myself play anywhere else.

Now I just had to tell the manager of Ajax and my aunt and uncle, which I am very close with, that we were leaving.

I was going to play for ...

- I hope you liked the first chapter. I'm really sorry for my writing skills. I know they're bad, but this is my first book ever, so I'm really trying.
- Also, I'm Dutch so excuse me if there are any grammer or spelling mistakes.
- please let me know what you think or if you have any suggestions or just ideas for the story in general. They are very welcome! And so the love interest will also influence the club Stacy will play for. (Keep in mind she will not play for the club of the love interest, but rather for the rivals)

Thank you for reading and hope to see you at the next chapter!

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