Part 6

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The days went by quicker than I had anticipated. Training went well, I felt confident. And if there's one thing you need on the pitch, it's confidence. Confidence is the one thing that can trick anyone. With confidence you can change opinions, you stand out.

Though, it's risky, playing with confidence. Because as soon as you get too confident, people could view it as cocky. And, in my opinion, cockiness is an attitude that most people find disgusting. I, myself, find it disgusting as well. It's good to show confidence, show people that you know what you're doing. But being cocky is on a whole other level, it makes you seem like you have the biggest ego in the world, that the only person you care about is yourself.

Luckily, I think I've been just the right amount of confident to impress the manager, Gareth. Although, it's not like an assist in your debut doesn't help with impressing the manager.


After the training of this morning, Ellie, Lucy, Keira, Lauren, Alex, Georgia and I decided to grab a coffee at our favourite cafe. It was quite the group, but this would also be the girls that would be there at the party tonight.

We talked about a variety of things. The season, where we were going to go for lunch, upcoming England camp, and of course tonight's party. I was glad the conversation switched to a different topic. Seeing as that I was the only player out of this group that was yet to be selected for the senior team of England, I felt kinda left out when they were talking about camp that was happening in about a month. Though, if Leah was right and Sarina would actually call me, than maybe I could have the opportunity to go to said camp as well.

The party of tonight was something that everyone was willing to talk about. I learned that they didn't host many parties, even though they have a whole group chat named after it, as it is fairly difficult to plan a party at a date when everyone is available. So everyone was quite excited for this one.

They did warn me, no one else allowed. No friends, family or partners. It would be just the girls. Which, to be honest, I completely agreed with. I mean, it's not like I would bring Emma with me to a party. I chuckled to myself, thinking about Emma waggle in between grown-up women, with a drink in her hand. Yeah, no way that that is happening.

I didn't realise I chuckled out loud, until I saw everyone staring at me with confused expressions on their faces, with Georgia trying to hold in her laughter.

"Oh, sorry, I was just thinking about what you said earlier, about not bringing anyone with me to the party." I said, trying to explain why I chuckled out loud.

"What's so funny about that?" Lucy asked, while laughing awkwardly not knowing what was actually funny about it.

"Well, I just pictured me bringing Emma with me to a party where there would only be grown-up idiots, like you... Lucy." I said, adding her name after a slight pause.

She started running at me, when she realised I was talking about her. Luckily we were walking outside, so I could easily sprint away trying to avoid her catching up to me. She stopped running fairly quickly, probably realising that she was never going to be able to catch up to me. I got lucky there, cause I could already feel a stitch in my side from laughing and running at the same time.


I was so glad that I had asked Keira what the dress code was for the party. Because if I hadn't, I would probably have showed up in a dress. Though, fortunately, I did. Because she told me it was a tradition to just wear a hoodie, sweater or whatever you're comfortable in, as long as it is not fancy, to these kind of parties. I first suspected that she was lying, but it's Keira. I mean, she doesn't lie. At least, I hope not.

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