Part 9

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I woke up, got ready and made my way to the Etihad Campus, for one last recovery training before we went to St. George's Park.

When I walked in I was immediately greeted by Keira. I walked over, said hi, and together we walked to the gym, where our recovery would take place.

"Are you nervous?" Keira asked, obviously talking about England camp. "I am, actually." I answered truthfully. Keira was one of the most trustworthy persons to talk with, she never judges you, she just listens. She was the one that, when only 3 could fit on the sidewalk she'd slow down so you wouldn't be walking alone. Keira is one of the most caring persons I know and I'm so glad that I've met her.

We talked a bit more about England camp, and she told me that if I ever wanted to talk to her or if I had any questions I could always knock on her door. That talk actually did me so good. I tried to hide it, but I was absolutely shitting myself. I was so nervous. So to hear such comforting words really calmed me down a bit.

After recovery we all went home and decided to meet in one and a half hour at our favourite cafe. Luckily I didn't live too far away from the campus nor the cafe, so one and a half hour would be more than enough time for me to shower, get ready and walk to the cafe.

And so, I was sitting at a table in the cafe, on my own. Because I was 15 minutes early. Though, I didn't mind too much, this gave me some time to call my aunt and uncle, to ask how they were doing and how Emma was doing.

"Hi." I said when I heard the phone being picked up. "Stacy! Hoe gaat het, we hebben je al zolang niet gezien!" (Stacy! How are you, we haven't seen you in so long!) my aunt screamed through the phone, obviously not trying to hide her excitement. Fortunately, I expected this, and so I already had my phone a bit further from my ear than normally.

"Gaat goed hoor, maar ik mis jullie. Hoe gaat het met Emma?" (I'm alright, but I miss you guys. How is Emma doing?) I asked, really wanting to know the answer. "Emma is een genot, zo'n lieve meid. Je mag trots op haar zijn, Stacy." (Emma is a delight, such a lovely girl. You can be proud of her, Stacy.) I got as a response. I agreed with her and, after we spoke a bit more, finally asked the question I was putting off, scared to be disappointed by the answer.

"Dus, ga ik jullie nog zien binnenkort, of wordt dat hem niet?" (So, am I still gonna see you anytime soon, or is that not possible.) I asked so fast, I almost tripped over my own words. "Natuurlijk! En ehh, kunnen wij Emma voor een tijdje bij jou laten, dan kunnen wij weer even onze rust pakken." (Of course! And ehh, can Emma stay with you for a bit, so we can get a bit of rest.) my aunt asked carefully, she knew I had a busy schedule and that it would be hard to keep Emma entertained and everything. But on the other hand, Emma was my sister, and therefore my responsibility. So I had to find a way to make this work, and I would.

"Geen probleem, dankjewel voor alles wat jullie voor haar hebben gedaan, dat meen ik echt." (No problem, thank you for everything you've done for her, I really mean it.) I told her from the bottom of my heart. I was so thankful to have such a lovely aunt and uncle.

We soon said goodbye as I saw the rest of the girls walking in. We all greeted each other and got in the vans that were send to pick us up and bring us to St. George's Park.

The drive was so much fun. Ellie and Lucy were, once again, dissing each other, and it was so funny to listen them absolutely tearing each other apart. Georgia was sleeping and got a water bottle dumped on her by Lauren. Which was followed by Georgia dumping her water bottle back on Lauren as revenge. To sum it up, I've never had so much fun on a car ride. 

Though, as soon as we reached St, George's Park, I felt the nerves in my stomach reappearing.

This was it. I had been here so many times, yet today was so much different. This camp could make or break me, and of course I was going for the first one.

-hii, didn't have much motivation, so a bit of a shorter chapter. But still hope you enjoyed it!
- I promised someone in the comments that this chapter would include Emma, as you can see I'm building up to it, but very very soon Emma will be there again.
- furthermore, hope you have a lovely day and PLEASE tell me your opinion on this story so far.


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