Part 4

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Oh my God. It's in. I scored. I can barely comprehend what is happening, but I immediately feel all of my teammates jumping on me and giving me hugs.

'How many minutes still to go?' I thought to myself. I looked at the clock and it said: '88:35'. Two minutes to go. The score was now 3-2 in favour of England. We just had to keep possession of the ball for 2 more minutes. We could do that, right?

As soon as everyone was on their own half's again, Germany started the play again. I looked at the clock, again. '89:27'.

We tried to press high, making sure they could not complete any passes. I heard someone scream "one extra minute!" One more minute, and we would be European Champions.

As soon as I heard the whistle, I saw many German players going to sit on the ground with tears in their eyes. I had tears in my eyes as well, but mine were from happiness. We did it.

I hugged a few of my teammates before I saw my aunt and uncle with Emma in the standings. I ran towards them, giving them a massive hug. They pushed Emma in to my arms who immediately clung her little arms around my neck.

(Just pretend cursive is Dutch. Later on I will actually write things in Dutch with a translation behind it, but for now the cursive is in English while it's being spoken in Dutch.)

"Hey, little one." I said, knowing that she doesn't like that nickname. She's actually not that small compared to kids of her age, but to me she really is very little.

"You did it!" Her high pitch voice sounded in my ear. "Yes, we did." I replied, emphasising the 'we' to make sure she knows she is a definite part in this journey with me.

"I missed you!" She said, this time with a softer voice. "I missed you too, little one." I replied softly. I did, I really did. If I ever lost her, I don't know what I'd do. I can't even think about it without tearing up. I couldn't lose her too.

I saw the senior girls a little further on, so I gave Emma back to my aunt and walked towards them.

Lauren gave me such a big hug, I almost fell over. Luckily there was a hand on my back that kept me from actually falling. I don't know who's hand it was, but, honestly, I couldn't care less.

With Lauren was the exact same group as at the semifinals. Keira, Lucy, Georgia, Beth, Leah and Ellie.

They all gave me a polite hug, since I didn't really know them, but they were still happy for me and the team to have won.

"We could use you on the England team." Beth said, obviously with a hint of laughter in her voice. "I hope so." I answered, not knowing how to reply to such a loaded remark.

"As long as she doesn't take my spot!" Keira and Georgia said in unison. Which made us all laugh. "I don't even care where I'm playing, I'd be grateful to even play for the seniors in the first place," I said, "really, make me play as a goalie and I'd be happy!" "Absolutely not." Ellie said sternly, since she is a goalkeeper herself.

A bit of laughter and banter followed and I noticed that Lucy and Beth already had a bit to drink, maybe a bit too much. I soon said my goodbyes and see you soon's, because I would see them tomorrow for dinner, and made my way back to the team, since I was about to get very drunk myself as well.

We partied the most part of the night and had a great deal of fun. We were eventually back at the hotel around 5 am. So I still had about 4 hours of sleep, which was more than I expected, until we were called for breakfast. I had a massive hangover, that I was hoping would fade away before dinner arrived.

The day flew by. We had loads of interview and formalities, and before I knew it I had to get ready for dinner. Luckily my hangover had actually faded away a bit. Bit loud sounds still weren't very pleasing to my head.

I knew I had enough time, but I was still more than nervous. They were all already playing in the senior team and I just wanted them to like me, I guess.

I soon heard a honk, and again and again. I ran out of the hotel signalling them that I was here, and that they could stop honking so much.

I got in the second car, since that was the only car with an empty seat still left. I was in the car with Beth, Georgia and Leah. I sat next to Georgia in the backseat, with Beth driving and Leah sitting next to her.

Leah turned the music to maximum volume, which was not a very good combination together with a hangover.

"Oh my God," I said, "turn it off, please" I almost begged them. Knowing that my headache would have gotten even worse if that music would have continued to be so loud.

"Someone's got a bit of a hangover" Leah chuckled. "No, I don't" I said, sounding very unbelievable. "THEN WHAT IF I GO TALKING LIKE THIS" Georgia practically screamed in my ear. "Oh you motherfu-" I didn't finish my sentence, remembering that I wanted them to like me. They all laughed at this, while Beth parked the car.

We were all sat at one large table in quite a luxurious restaurant. I was sat next to Lucy on my right side and Lauren on my left side. We had all ordered our food and had a lot of fun.

We all started talking a bit amongst ourselves. While I was talking to Lauren, I noticed Lucy going away to what was probably just the toilet.

Lauren and I now had gotten in a conversation with Ellie as well, when I heard a "Hi" from my right side. "What the-" I almost jumped out of my seat, I though that chair was empty. I looked up to see who the voice belonged to, when I saw it was just Leah who had taken the seat of Lucy. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" Leah chuckled. "It's okay," I replied, "you can scare me easily." "Me?" Leah said questioningly. "No, no not you! I meant things in general can scare me easily if they want to. I didn't mean you specifically, I swear." Wow. Way to introduce yourself, Stacy.

"It's okay." Leah chuckled again, seemingly getting a lot of joy from this conversation. "So we haven't talked properly yet, have we? She asked me. "I suppose not." I said, recomposing myself.

"So, where are you from." Leah asked me, she seemed nervous. I don't know why she would be nervous talking to someone like me. I'm literally a nobody to her.

"Manchester," I said with a smile, remembering the club I had just signed for, "born, not raised." "Where were you raised?" She asked, seriously seeming interested.

"The Netherlands."

"Oh, wow," Leah said surprised, probably expecting me to have answered with an English city, "you play for Ajax, right?"

I was stunned that she knew the team I used to play for. "Yeah, used to, though." I corrected her, trying hard to keep my cool, but failing miserably. It wasn't everyday that I was having a conversation with the captain of the England team, so I was actually freaking out. "Used to?" She asked confused.

"Made my move to Manchester City, this summer." I explained to her. "Oh I see, so we'll be rivals then." She smirked. "I guess so." I replied reluctantly.

"Don't worry about it, you'll probably do just fine." She said most likely noticing my discomfort and nervousness.

"I hope so."

- hiii, hope you liked it!
- once again, if you have any suggestions, tips, ideas or you just wanna say something you're more than welcome to!
- it's a bit long isn't it? Do you want shorter chapters? Please let me know!


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