ch-15. Memories pt2

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Porsche's pov~

"...things gets down that time suddenly. Khun.. he was kidnapped. He was kidnapped and when we found him... he was someone else. Someone who was not the Khun we have known all our lives. It was the last straw for Kim. He couldn't stand seeing his powerful protective older brother like that and he left. Khun... he didn't tell anyone what happened and after a while we also stopped. Everyone was glad he was not tortured or sexually harassed, just some punchs were thrown at him. But what left such a deep impression on his mind and heart.... no one knows. At that time it was difficult for Kinn to handle himself. On one side he was suddenly burdened with the responsibilities, on the other hand he lost his both brothers in front him and he couldn't do anything. In those nights all we did was something that we always had been doing in our life. Cuddling. Sharing everyday things. I wanted to do something more for him to be okay.... but he said my presence was enough for him. I'd always lie to paa that im learning how to be a good heir and how to handle business or just doing some school stuff for him to let me come to Kinn everyday and everynight. Thankfully because of that i was secured from paa's hits and yelling." I fliched a little on his last sentence.

"Your paa hits you...?"

"Hmm. He always had been. After mom died." Vegas said as he shift a little on my chest.

I don't know myself how we get into this position, we both are lying with Vegas head on chest and his arms hugging my waist tight while my one arm under my head and the other one stroking his hairs. Our legs tangled.

"You know whenever paa used to scream at me or hit me, I'd always run too Kinn and then I'll cry to him. he'd cuddle me until im asleep."

"Just like right now?" I asked as Vegas looked at me and gives me smile which i returned.

"Just like right now." He said with his smile before resting his head on my chest again.

"How did you and Kinn got together?" I whispered quietly but i know he heard as he hums a little.

"After some months of what happened with Khun, we both were just like always sitting on bed and was talking. I was mesmerized by him that i didn't notice i was staring. Well... as you can guess i always had crush on him. So the staring was obvious from me." He said as we both giggled.

"That's something you'd do." I said as Vegas chuckled and hit my chest softly as sigh and continue.

"As i was staring suddenly Kinn looked at me and the next thing i know is that i was kissing him" he said in a shy tone- WAIT ! Vegas is SHY!!

"Ohhhh~ Is someone shy~?" I said teasingly as we both laughed while Vegas let out a loud 'shut up!'.

"And hey! I just gave him a long peak and then i moved away from him but then suddenly he was kissing me, slowly and gentle but passionate enough to let my heart skip some beats as it feels the love being reciprocated. And then thats it. we told each other how much we love each other. And without telling anyone.. we started dating." He said with a fond smile on his lips and i can say that i got the same one too on mine.

" Well didn't you think what would others say?" I said combing his hair.

"No. I mean yes but everything was too fucked up that having one more fucked up thing in our lives was nothing that was concerning us and anyways... it was the most beautiful fucked up thing ever." I smiled at his answer but something came into my mind that fades the smile.

"Why... what happened then?... why today we are like this?... You both are like this?" I asked hesitantly. Vegas smile drops from his lips before forming a sad smile.

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