ch-17. The storm...

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Vegas pov~

"Every thing is done right?" I asked Porsche as he once again put on a thoughtful face and then nod.

"Yessss" Porsche yelled excitedly as i smile at his cuteness.

"Whats so exciting about going back huh?" I asked amused.

"Its just i miss peteee~ and armmm~ and polllll~ and khunnn~" i chuckled at him as he whines.

Even though Porsche still have today as a day off, his last day off. But he wanted to go back today so that before starting his work again, he can spend some time with his friends and Khun. He grows way too affectionate to the others in the compound.

So yup! Here we are! In his living room with Porsche's bag packed with some brand new clothes he got, saying wanting to freely spend some money for the first time in his life. And what is better than some clothes?

"Its a good thing that Chay went to school today, even though i have to force him." Porsche said fondly as he looked around his home as he knows that for some weeks he'll not be back.


"It's already too hard to say goodbye to this house alone... it'd be 10 times harder to say goodbye to chay. So its good! He's not here." I held his hands as his eyes get watery.  He give me a tight smile.

"Well.. you still did said goodbye to him yesterday night.... so its okay. It's easy for both of you to accept the situation." I said as he nodded and pull me into a hug. I rubbed his back as my mind went back to the last night. The way little chay was looking so heartbroken by the news that Porsche is going and threatened him to come back in one piece next time too, reminds me of macau so much. Macau always looks the same way little chay did whenever i have to go for work, out of the country. He'll sulk so hard and pout so much but when its the time for me to go he'll hug the hell out of me while whispering threats that if i come back from those dangerous meetings with even a tiny scratch on me, he'll kill me.

I smiled softly remembering it. Little chay and Macau are seriously the same. Innocent and lovable kids.

"Lets go" Porsche said as he pulled away and leaned down to pick his bag.

"Wait!" I said as he freezes in his position.

I pulled him towards me and give him a soft peak.

I laughed nervously as Porsche looked at me in shock but then smirks and pulled me back. This kiss was way more intense which soon turns out into a full makeout session.

I whined as Porsche pulled away. He give me smile and peaked my forhead.

"We should go now. So its better if we stop now because if we'll continue... im not gonna stop soon" he said with a smirk and whispered the last line close to my face. I punched his chest as i feel my face burning.

"Idiot." I said as i hurriedly picked up his bag and started marching towards the main door.

" hey! Wait!" I heard porsche yelling as he runs after me, after fininshing laughing.

When suddenly i heard the front gate openeing and i looked up to see minor family guards getting inside. Porsche stopped beside me and we both looked at each other in confusion. I looked back as the guards lined up at the sides.

"What is going on?" I asked firmly to the guards who looked at each other but dared not to answer me. Anger boiled in me.


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