Mismatch Flame

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Mismatch Flame

just like fire eats on something in order to feel alive
this love only existed as long as I was ashes to your fire

just like water, you could only touch, but never hold
I'd always escape through fire, if not the cracks and holes

just like the destiny of the flyer is the ground, and for the walker, is the sky
you were always something i wanted when I never had you by my side.

just like fire coaxes itself in the voided darkness
this love only lightened with composing me as the antagonist

just like the craving for water exists most, in it's absence
this love was alive as long as I was dead and lifeless

compatibility wasn't either about being different or same
it was about being a different puzzle to fit, but in the same picture frame

Like a mismatch flame, a mosaic fitting my sparseness perfectly
Extinguishing in the picture with smoke twirling, forming no imagery

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