[Aoi-chan] Akane x Reader

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"Aoi-! I love you! Please be my girlfriend!"

Cried out the redhead, balling up his fist and holding it tightly against his chest. He was closing his eyes and facing the ground. He was blushing heavily, still leaning forward and awaiting your answer.

You had too remind yourself. This was just preparation for asking Aoi later on a date. You had too remember that he didn't like you romantically like you admired him.

You sighed heavily and coughed into your hand, staring grimly at him.
"4 points"

You imitated aoi's voice too the best of your ability. You weren't trying too mock her at all. You actually kinda rocked that impression. You were surprised when Akane looked cheerful and hopeful.

He even started tearing up a bit.

"T-thats! That would be more then she gave me last time!" He said, Turning his back too you and completely disregarding his feelings. You just smiled sadly and congratulated him on his hard work.

Then you left, leaving Akane too have a strange feeling develop in the pit of his stomach.

-           NEXT DAY

You walked through the door of the classroom, heart pounding. You layed your bag down by your desk as you carefully took your seat. You were just staring off, wondering how it would be if Akane actually loved you instead of Aoi.

But of course you would never wish anything bad upon the sweet girl. She was very caring toward you and yashiro. But you feel like sometimes society alienated her. Excluding her from being treated normally just beacause she was 'perfect'. She was forced too love up too these un-real standards. She never had a best freind. You know she didn't. So you treated her with respect and asked her about her interests. Which her response saddened you. She said 'no one has ever wanted too know anything about me'.

Suddenly you felt a presence near your desk. It was a heavy one. And you could immediately tell who it was. He usually met you for small talk in the morning, anyway.

But before you could greet him, you felt two stiff arms wrap around you and hold you tightly from behind. This person buried their nose in your hair and inhaled deeply as they only held you tighter.

"A-AKANE!!" You said, flushed and startled by this sudden affection from the young ginger.

He just let go of you and gave you a blank look. One you've never seen on his face before. It honestly scared you a little. He then blew the whole thing off and flashed you a joyful smile.

"Good-morning n/n"

He said enticingly, still giving you his full attention and stare. This was strange. He was never this engrossed in you. He usually talked too you casually, like normal freinds do. So you just assumed he needed help with Aoi again and was trying too be extra nice with you.

You sighed, before meeting his eminent gaze once more.

"What do you want, Akane."


This made you feel a little flustered.

"Okay- I'm kidding. I want you too help me confess too aoi..again...."

He mumbled, making the redness on your face slowly disappear. You honestly thought he might have liked you just a little bit. How foolish of you.

You met him by the practice garden and crossed your arms, giving him a bored look.

"Y/n. Will you be my girlfriend." He said in a cold, dark tone. It honestly freaked you out a bit at how demeaning he sounded. Like a serial killer. (lol..)

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