[Teachers pet] Tsuchigomori Pt.2

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- This was requested. So here you are! Enjoy.-

You woke up slowly, your eyes fluttering as you struggled to regain sight, the blurring vision of everything around you faded in and out as your head throbbed. You felt as if someone had bashed your head in with a metal bat.

Your stomach also hurt, it hurt so bad. You realized you could feel your hands. They weren't tied or anything. They actually felt relatively relaxed compared to the rest of your body. You twitched your fingers a bit to test the theory of your hands not hurting. They didn't. Not one bit. You smiled, using your hands to feel up and down your legs for knots.

Nothing, you found nothing. Your legs werent tied either. It seems you were just layed down on the floor somewhere, it seemed whoever did this had little care for where they put you at that moment, because you were randomly placed, not comfortably at all.

Your legs didn't hurt like your stomach and head either. You attempted to stand, wanting to get out of wherever you were. Your legs wobbled as you clutched the corner of a bookshelf to help you stay balanced.

Wait-- bookshelf? You were in a library! You knew that now. It seemed it must of been a staff member who brought you here. You were unsure who it was though, your memory was still foggy so you couldn't quite recall the events of the past hour.

You walked out of the area you were in. This library seemed huge. It was like a maze, you couldnt even see the exit or entrance. It felt like you were in some sort of pocket dimension. It made you a little uncomfortable.

You were walking out of a isle, your hand brushing against the old wood used to carve the tall bookshelf's centering around you and meeting at the end of the wall.


Your hand touched a substance, it was gooey and warm, coating your hand as you accidently slid your fingers against it, it made you automatically yank your hand back to examine it. It was covered in blood.

Your eyes widened, right as you heard a voice from behind you.


Yelled some random voice, it drawing nearer as you heard rapid footsteps approaching, causing you to instinctively run alongside whoever this was. They were next to you now, their dark brown hair flowing behind them, blue eyes wide and in a state of panic as they noticed you keeping pace.

"Hey! Who are you!"

They demanded, suddenly stopping and pointing at you.
It shocked you a bit, seeing as they were the one who casually screamed at you to move. And demanded for you to tell them your identity.

"I-im y/n. Who are you." You asked back, emphasizing the word 'you'.
You heard a faint breath being drawn, a hand slamming against a bookshelf behind you, knocking it over.

"Er- no time for introduction! Just run!"

They yelled, now grabbing your hand and swiftly and sharply turning arounf the end of the corner you had stopped at, and you let them lead you. You heard whatever was chasing you catching up quickly, a familiar voice echoeing behind you.

"Y/n?? What are you doing!? Get back here!"

Yelled a sharp but stern voice, the footsteps halting behind you, causing you to loose your balance from an arm being thrown under your legs. Someone grabbed your ankle.

"Naughty naughty. I thought you would stay still.."

Said the voice, you now being dangled  upside down by an unproportional hand. It was a spider. It was also your teacher, who was looking at you hungrily.

"Now what should i do with you?"


You woke up, tied to a chair.

A knife being stuck through your ribs, causing blood to splurt out of your mouth, shocking you.

Your limp body In the arms of your teacher.

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