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[ I. LOVE. HER, and I'm trying to make improvements with my writing skillz ^^
So this one will probably be more descriptive then my others.



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"Good evening, my love."

You said, wistfully, as you grabbed Sakura's hand and tilted it, laying a small kiss on the tender part of her hand. Her skin was soft and smelled like candy hearts.

You loved taking in her beauty everytime you visited the small room they called the 'Broadcasting club'. It was especially great when that annoyance natsuhiko was out of your way. After all, he had more of a chance to get with the enchanting woman due to his masculine body and handsome face.

You were not a man, you were indeed a lady. You had neutral features and you would consider your beauty to be average.

But Sakura, she was a true beauty. She had silky, soft to the touch lime green hair. It was perfectly combed and put together into a bob. This topped off her incredible features.

Her face seemed even softer then her hair, as if it were made out of cotton. Her skin was fair and smooth, and her lips were petite and shiny. They looked even more kissable each day.

Not to mention, her eyes. They were one of her most pleasing features. Whenever you looked into them, you feared you might get lost in the pools of green that made them up.

It was as if she was a painting, the perfect painting. Her resting face was the most gentle thing you had ever seen, her angry face you had yet to Invision, her smile was one that was as delicate as it was rare. Her annoyed expression you had seen many times. Especially due to Natsuhiko's presence.

Even her annoyed expression was as pure as she was. She was elegant, yet smart. She always knew what to do in what situations, and this made you admire her intelligence. She was so proper, everything she did was graceful, like a swan stroking the water under the dim moonlight.

She was very kind to you, always lending you a hand, or a book. One that she thought it be fit for someone like you. She knew you were interested in the genre of horror, so she looked for as many for you as possible.

"Greetings, L/n."

Her quiet and proper voice snapping you out of your head, bringing you back to the world with the real sakure in it.

One you didn't have to imagine. One that was touchable, and admirable.

"Nanamine-senpai, will you marry me."

You asked, all of a sudden, the words that slipped out of your throat and escaped your lips surprising even you. You had never made such a preposition to anyone before, especially not the dove like female before you. She was way to out of your league to even consider fancying you.

Yet her eyes widened, the crystal-like texture of them making it look much like a glass painting. One filled with colors and peppered with love.

She was obviously very shocked at the use of language, as that buffoon natsuhiko was usually the one to spout such nonsense to the likes of her.

"L/n, I like you.."

She started, her eyes beaming on you, the light from the outside shining against the side of her face and outlining her most attractive features, the colors of her pallette clashing together an making your lips part in the loss of speech.

"I..I would love too-"

She started, her lips quickly nailing themselves shut when the wooden, splintery door standing just beside you both was clumsily kicked in, a sweaty and desperate natsuhiko bursting through the rectangular entrance the door offered.

"SAKURA! I have something to tell you.."

He gasped out, the breath leaving his mouth in fatal, quickened breaths as he held a hand roughly against the shirt covering his chest.

He must have been in quite the rush it be looking the way he was, as he was usually put together and clean.

Sakura stood up without a word, her skirt bouncing softly as she rose from the wheeled, black colored chair she had been resting in.

The silence of the room made the aura disturbing, leaving both you, and the boy blocking the exit highly uncomfortable. Your backs crawling with goosebumps as the fair lady approached the man.

She grabbed his shirt angrily, her eyes showing an unforseen threat as she gripped the shirt tightly, making sure her first as balled as she dragged him out into the hallway, leaving you as wordless as a stool as they left.


"Listen here, natsuhiko. Y/n is my sunshine. She is my everything. I would kill you and everyone in this entire school if it meant stauing with her. I would do anything for her."

Sakura emphasizing the word, anything, to make sure natsuhiko understood she was being absolutely dead serious about his approach earlier. She was showing him up, telling him not to interrupt time with you.

You had been hers all along, you belonged to her.

And you always will.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2022 ⏰

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