[Yandere trio] Headcanons

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the type of yandere it think kou would be is delusional. Delusional and protective, he wouldn't be AS posessive as most, usually just thinking he is protecting you. Especially if it means shielding you from the world.

The type I think nene would be would definitely be obsessive. Kind of like a crazy fan girl and her 'idol'. She would literally go on long rants about you to hanako and others, but being to shy to approach you, she stalks you from afar, and politely gets rid of any threats.

The type I think hanako would be is protective and posessive. Especially if the reader was in a position such as yashiro's, he would want them to stay by his side constantly, being scared shitless if you were to wander off.


I think kou would never kidnap the reader, or anyone else for that matter. I know Kou is NOT stupid. But his guy mostly controls his actions, such as fits of rage, sometimes even at his friends if they approach him after he finds out you've been seeing someone. If he does, anyone who comes by him has a death wish.

Yashiro would emotionally manipulate the reader into being kidnapped. This sounds odd, but let me explain. She would paint a picture of it being an 'innocent get-together' with the reader, inviting them over for a night, and then she begs them to stay for another, then another, then another. Untill said reader is basically living with her.

Hanako cannot physically kidnap the reader unless he were to be lended the hand of shijma mei or Yako.
Those two have boundaries that could serve as a place for reader to stay, he mostly tried to keep the reader away from anyone that could hurt them.


Kou refuses to believe it, but he gets insanely jealous whenever the reader is around other people, especially if it's someone like hanako or Tsukasa. Kou sees it as him being your hero, you view it as blatant jealousy. You can decide if that's cute or not.

Yashiro is aware she gets jealous, but she tried to slap herself and tell herself she's being irrational and irresponsible. She wants to be perfect for you, so she will try her best to mask her jealousy for as long as possible.

Hanako FLEXES his jealousy, he turns the boiling jealousy and rage inside of him into a corny joke to express it, something like, "your making me jealous~ don't you like me more?"


"Why dont you start looking at me more often?"



Kou isnt big on stalking, he believes he should be by the readers side at all moments, but values their privacy, and allows them to be at home and around campus by themselves. He only has a problem if you wander away without letting him know first.

Yashiro is probably the queen of stalking. Miss girl has her wall covered in pictures of you as if you were a pop sensation. She follows you everywhere and notes all of your favourite things down, leaving little trinkets and snacks she makes for you in your locker.

Hanako also exceeds in stalking, but for a different reason then yashiro. He isn't trying to find out what would please you, he's just incredibly paranoid about your safety, so he watches over you during class to make sure your okay.


Significant other.

Kou would snap if he found out you had an S/O other then him, he would take it as a personal betrayal and go out of his way to go after your S/O.

Yashiro would push herself past the boundaries of a normal admirer and start fantasizing about how she could treat you better, leaving even more gifts and filling her closet to the brim with pictures, even making a whole fanpage for you.

Hanako would kill them.


Heya guys, sorry for the constant updates. Here's some Headcanons for the terrific trio <3

I'm thinking maybe tonight, tomorrow sometime I'll make a natsuhiko oneshot next

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