[Call her] Tsukasa x Reader

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(ahhhh this story is so underloved BEACUSE of the inactivity in the tbhk fandom (⁠。⁠・⁠/⁠/⁠ε⁠/⁠/⁠・⁠。⁠))

"Tsukasa.....I... Need to talk to you. For a moment."

Currently, Sakura was trying to persuade Tsukasa to move away from the door leading into the broadcast club, his eyes strictly glued to the rickety old sign, painted with neat black lines. He refused to take his watchful gaze off of the entrance, waiting for a certain someone to barge through.

"It's about L/n."

Said Sakura, a little more nervous to be mentioning you then she should be. At that tsukasa turned his eyes quickly from the door and stared into Sakura's eyes. His gaze was terrifyingly concentrated on her. It really freaked her out, as she felt shivers run up her spine at his menacing and unwavering stare.

But as fast as his evil eyes came, they disappeared, being replaced by his childlike nature.
He gave her a wide smile and started bambarding her with questions.

"What's it about! Is she hurt? Is she talking to someone else? Is she hugging someone else? Is someone hurting her? Is she going to be here soon! Is she-!!!"

He started, before Sakura put a hand over her mouth, muffling his questions as she sighed, her sigh very ragged and uneven. She seemed very scared at that moment. She didn't want to break any bad news about you to Tsukasa, but she felt like if he found out she didn't tell him he would be 10x more furious.

"Well.. she's not going to be here today."


She removed her hand quickly, a little splotch of blood popping out as it landed on the hem of her dress. her eyes were wide as she clenched her teeth in pain. Tsukasa had bit her hand. Hard.

His canines were splattered with her blood, and he had a blank expression on his face. His eyes darkened, turning a pitch of black, the infinite and untelling look on his face made Sakura much more scared then the mark left on the tender skin of her hand.

"Don't joke about that with me, Sakura."

He said, a deadly tone edging his words as he spoke directly. This wasn't even close to his usually anger, but it was enough to make sakura tremble, not wishing to enrage the powerful spirit then she already had.

She gulped, shakily pulling her phone out of her pocket, unlocking it and moving to her messages app, she clicked the call option, knowing y/n would most likely pick up if she called. She had told y/n she would only call y/n during emergencies. She thought this was the sensible choice.

She pressed the phone gently against her ear, ignoring Tsukasas death glare as she listened to he ringing emitting from the device she held in her quivering hands.


"Sakura? What's wrong? Are you okay?"

Asked the familiar voice of her freind, y/n. Or, nevermind. She was more of an acquaintance. Tsukasa would never allow her to become close enough as to address y/n as her 'freind'.

She felt releived that y/n picked up, still.

That was untill she felt a looming presence overhead, and curious eyes staring down at her phone. She squeezed it tightly, sweatdropping as she prepared to come up with a response as too why she called y/n during her mom's birthday....

"Is that y/n!!! HI Y/NNNN!!!!!"

Yelled Tsukasa, Sakura flinching at the loud nature of the boy. He sure could use that voiceof his to torture someone. She was unnerved at the fact he could raise it so high, so high that y/n started giggling slightly at the other end of the line. If only she knew.

"Hey Tsukasa, why did you guys call me."

Asked y/n, her voice slightly muffled from the other side.

"Well, Tsukasa seemed to have accidently made a giant mess in the club- and I can't clean it on my own."

Sighed sakura before Tsukasa could intervene In the conversation.

"I'm so sorry y/n."

Said Sakura, her eyes closing as she felt Tsukasa anger and frustration start forming in the air around her.

"It's fine! I'm on my way. Just gotta give my mom her present and I'll be there in five minutes."

Responded y/n, cutting the line after that, making the only sound audible to Sakura's ear the faint ringing from being hung up on.
She swiftly spun around, meeting eyes directly with the apparition.
Tsukasa had a blank expression, clearly not happy with the statement she made up about him.

"Tsukasa. Make a mess."

Ordered Sakura, a shake in her voice. Knowing full well he could dispose of her at any moment, and it could be over the slightest disagreement.
She realized from his still blank look she would need to elaborate what meant a little more to motivate him.

"Y/n won't be here if you don't, and she'll be upset with you if she finds out I lied just so you could see her."

Explained Sakura, putting her manipulative power to work.

Tsukasas blank and slightly annoyed look faded into one of consideration, but then it morphed into realization.

"Y/n can never leave my side of I take her."

Sakura's eyes became saucers, her mouth opening and her breath hitching slightly at tsukasas words.

"But first, I get rid of the obstacle keeping me from her."

And with that, Sakura was impaled.

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