[Evil Prince] Teru x Reader

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[ This is a continuation of my previous oneshot of Teru Minamoto ]

[ TW; brief mention of S3x Tr@ffickingx forced captivity, slight stalkholme syndrome)





"Oh, she's waking up."

Was the first thing you heard as your consciousness faded in. You had been slowly waking up for the past hour, it was a slow process because of the amount of Drug Teru had injected into your body during the process.

Your hair was messy and sticking to your face, and your outfit was a big plain white shirt, including black oversized pants that probably belonged to the monster himself.

You had been bound by your ankles and wrists to a wooden chair, one in a dark room where you couldn't see anything.

Your vision was blurry and tears welled up in your eyesas you started to take hold of your current situation, nudging the ropes weakly as you sighed shakily.

You knew there was no easy way out of the situation you had been thrown into head-first. You should have taken the red flags the boy flashed at you seriously and avoided him more, you shouldn't have rejected him, you shouldn't have even moved schools.

You regretted everything you had done, and you hated the person who made you regret it. Your shoes had been removed, and your feet were wrapped in fluffy socks and placed gently on a pillow.

You were oblivious to Terus 'little' obsession with you, you thought he was going to kill you and put your body parts on the market, or maybe include you in a s3x trafficking ring.

You didn't care, you just knew you were in trouble.

"Goodmorning L/N."

Said a sickly sweet voice, the tone upbeat and exited, completely reflecting and ignoring the situation that was at hand. It was like he didn't have a care in the world that he had taken you.


You angrily stated, making his big and obnoxious smile fade into a playful grin, his eyes squinting like a amused cat.


He responded back, coming over to where you were tied up at and leaning down, laying his cheek against the palm of his hand to show you his content with the predicament.

"I never liked you, Minamoto. Just know, I hate you. And I always will."

You spat back, not giving it any thoughts before a hand came flying toward you, a huge smack ringing accross the small room as tears welled in your eyes once more.

A red mark was nakedly shown on your cheek as you furrowed your eyebrows, sucking on your lip as you stared in disdain as the male, his smile downturned and his expression quite stern.

"Don't say that to me."

He said, his tone dangerously low as his hand recoiled from your face, a sharp and harsh look on his face that shows no signs of sympathy.

"W-what are you going to do with me."

You said quietly, a scared voice telling him everything he needed to know.

"I'm going to make you my wife!"

He cheered, almost as if he had forgotten how he had just slapped you and demanded not to vent your frustration with being kidnapped.

'Wait-- make you his wife?!'

You shouted in your head in confusion, not exactly piecing the words together the best to yourself.

Why would he want to marry you. First of all, he drugged you, stole your crushes heart, stalked you, kidnapped you, and assaulted you. What makes him think your just going to get married to him after all of that.

What kind of person did he take you for??

"Stop fooling around, that's not funny. Now, if your going to slit my throat, make it fast!"

You said without hesitantion, leaning your head back and revealing your neck, ready for a knife to enter and cut through it, ready for the flow of blood and momentary shock before death.

You stayed like that for a minute, waiting and waiting for him to stop talking and finally finish you off once and for all.

"Okay, it will only hurt for a minute. But I'm going to kill you now, Y/n."

He confessed, you feeling him grow nearer as he cornered you agaisbtt he chair, putting two of his arms down around your body and ont he arms of the seat as you felt his body against yours.

You were waiting impatiently, wanting him to kill you so you could finally be at peace.

That's when you felt his lips against your neck, the soft sensation of a small kiss being layed against your skin as you flinched, your eyes opening and your flash flustering.

You weren't happy, not attracted to anything he just did.

You were just infuriated.

"There you go, I killed you, happy now?"

He teased, removing his arms and standing straight, cracking his back and letting out a soft groan.

"Anyways, see you later. Maybe you'll learn to love me, maybe not. Doesn't matter. All I know is that your heart will belong to me, one way or another."


It had been months since the eldest Minamoto brother had kidnapped you and kept you in his home.

He hasn't killed you yet, but your still wary and suspicious, awaiting the day when he will snap and plunge his weapon into your skin.

You are still bound at your ankle and arms, sitting restlessly in the chair that you are trapped in, the toxic love he is delivering will never heal the scars he puts on your skin.

The tears will never completely dry, and you will never be free in his presence.

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