[ Rengoku/Giyuu/reader ]

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- fluff and smut
- safe sex (birth control 👍)
- afab (trans ftm) Giyuu and Rengoku
- Giyuu has top surgery!
- Rengoku doesn't have any surgery!
- poly relationship & poly sex :0
- somnophilia!!!
- brief mentions of pregnancy
- squirting
- cream pies :)

Your eyes gradually adjusted as they finally opened. You knew it was morning, you could feel the heat of the sun on your skin, peaking from behind your curtains, but you quickly noticed you couldn't move.

Ah, you realised. Your boyfriends, like every night since the three of you became partners, were wrapped around you with limbs flying all over the place. Granted, all of those limbs were you and Kyojuro's, but Giyuu would always wrap a protective arm around the both of you before he went to bed, and, even if it was usually pushed away due to the shuffling, it had to count for something.

You happily basked in the warmth that was your lovers before vaguely remembering if you had to do anything that day. It felt like you did, your stomach clenched in that familiar 'you're a moron' way, but it was a Sunday. No work, so you had to have other plans.

Then you remembered.

And oh did you remember.

Your boyfriends had been nagging you to try something different in the bedroom. Your relationship in that sense was fairly fresh, so it surprised you that they were both so insistent. You supposed that's what they'd talk about when you were at work.

You remembered one thing they'd wanted to try out and your mouth went dry at the thought. Something called 'somnophilia'. You hadn't liked the idea at all, you insisted that you'd never do anything without your lovers' explicit consent, but they'd only pushed the idea further, saying they were both still consenting to it, even if you couldn't ask in the moment.

It had definitely been a push and pull, but eventually, after a daydream about it had gotten you riled up, you said you'd try it.

It was early in the morning, Rengoku would usually be up but you'd tired him out the night before. Giyuu wasn't a morning person, so you didn't need to worry about him. You sighed and shuffled out of the blond's grasp to give your attention to Giyuu first.

He was extremely pretty. You felt odd watching him sleep, but you tried not to let it bother you. What really mattered was making your boyfriends happy and giving them what they wanted.

You didn't need to worry too much about stretching out Kyojuro, but Giyuu hadn't joined the fun last night and instead watched, bouncing on his own fingers. You enjoyed the feeling of his deep blue eyes washing over you.

You snapped back into the moment and settled near the edge of the bed, resting your chin between his thighs after you gently pushed them apart. He wasn't wearing anything, his clothes still lost somewhere after being thrown the night before, and you were thankful for it.

His thighs and the bedsheets were covered in his dried slick, but you couldn't find it in your heart to care. You pressed a soft kiss to his lips before prodding through them with your tongue. This was something you'd often do for Giyuu, licking into him until he was shaking, covering you with squirt after squirt of cum. If it made him that happy, it made you that happy.

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