Chapter 27- The new army

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I'm sorry for not uploading yesterday. My family went out and we were gone all day (and I fell asleep on the car ride home) so I didn't have time to upload yesterday. Let's just pretend it's Friday okay ;-;

Midoriya's POV:

It's been a week later.

Mr. Compress: Huzzah. We live to fight on. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger.

We ordered sushi. We're hungry, what do you expect?

Dabi: You didn't actually do that much to help.
Mr. Compress: Oh, come off it. Running away has its merits.
Spinner: Dabi, if you don't eat, there'll be nothing left.
Dabi: Meh. Eat all you want, I hate fish.
V! Ochaco: Yeah but you should still eat up. If the scars won't kill you then hunger will.

He groans as Ochaco chuckles. She likes teasing him, which kind of makes me jealous.

Twice uses his mouth to use a stick to tap a gold bowl. Apparently a clone he made of Toga melted, like all his clones do.

Twice: Toga, please forgive me! But if you hadn't shared your blood with Toga, then right now, other Toga would be...
Toga: Please stop babbling at that pic. I'm still alive and you're creeping me out.
Twice: Yeah, let's stop doing what other people like! My leg's moving on it's own! Don't kick without my permission! I was a bad boy. Don't hit me. Wait what? What did you just say, me?
Dabi: I thought your broken psyche got stitched back together. But you seem worse.
Spinner: Yeah, sounds like there are more of you now. Guess trauma doesn't just vanish.

A man in an all black suit and hair walk in. His hair is long hair with bangs. He was apparently against Twice.

Chikazoku: It's time. Come.
Twice: Bite me! We're still eating our sushi in here, ya jerk!

We end up on an elevator with them.

Chikazoku: Sushi that was purchased using our funds. The medical treatment, voice editing, and Toga's new coat are also benefits of our financial sponsorship.
Twice: Yeah, well don't forget, if it weren't for us, baldy would be in the hospital instead of in a swanky hideout.

The man stays silent and walks us towards an area where Re-Destro is speaking from.

Re-Destro: Welcome and thank you for coming. Liberation warriors! I am Re-Destro. It's a pleasure to see you. Today, the Meta Liberation Army will be reborn!

Meanwhile we're watching from behind.

Toga: I thought all of Tomura's hands got busted while he was fighting.
Spinner: Nah. One was still intact. It's a miracle the thing made it off that battlefield unscathed.
Toga: At least he doesn't have to come up with a new trademark.

Re-Destro: I believe without a doubt that the League was an obstacle until I faced them! I had blinders on! But now I have seen the light! A new dawn is ahead of us. I was a prisoner of my blood. Unable to break free from what I'd been taught! But then I witnessed real liberation! This is not me surrendering, my friends! It's me doing what's best for our cause. Tomura Shigaraki is truly free! He filled me with awe, which necessitated my abdication! From this moment, the Liberation Army recognizes Tomura Shigaraki as grand commander. As we move toward freedom and strive for Destro's world, the Metahuman Liberation Army and the League of Villains unite under a new name!

Toga: Ooh, here we go, here we go!

Re-Destro: The idea came from myself and Spinner from the League.

We all walk towards the spotlight to be seen.

Re-Destro: Now, the name please, Tomura Shigaraki!
Tomura: "The paranormal Liberation Front!" We got rid of the term "villain" and expanded on the whole "meta" angle to be a little more inclusive. The ten people on stage are my lieutenants. Teams will be assigned to them based on our needs. Anyway, the name's the same as this hand a decoration. We'll do what we want.

The army cheers in agreement with us.

Watch out heroes...

A war is coming.

To be continued...

Words- 646

Thanks for reading! 🤎

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