Trick or Treat Freak

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"Odd one out I see"Steve said,looking at my outfit.The party was going as ghostbuster characters but that was stupid so I didn't do it. "I'm not wearing a proton back"I said,rolling my eyes.Steve rolled his eyes,and went back into his room. "I'm biking today"I yelled,through the door. "Cool,save me some time"He said,then I went downstairs,out the door and on my bike.
"You guys look like idiots"I said,as we all biked side by side.They started singing the ghost busters theme song,and I biked away,jokingly.When we pulled up to the school,we put our bikes on the rack.After they were done singing Will said hey to us. "Whoa,Whoa"Mike said,stopping Lucas.

"Why are you Venkman?"Mike asked. "Because I'm Venkman"Lucas responded. "No,I'm Venkman"Mike said. "Why can't there be two Venkmans?"Will asked. "Because there's only one Venkman in real life.We planned this months ago"Mike said. "Im Venkman,Dustin's Stantz,You're Egon,and you're Winston"Mike said.

They didn't give me one cause I told them,they're cosplay is stupid and I didn't want to be apart of it. "I specifically didn't agree to Winston"Lucas said. "Yes,you did"Mike said. "I don't think he did"Will said. "No one wants to be Winston,man"Lucas said. "What's wrong with Winston?"Mike asked."What's wrong with Winston?He joined the team super late,he's not funny,and he's not even a scientist "Lucas complained.

"Yeah,but he's still cool"Mike said.I chuckled,knowing what's coming next. "If he's cool,then you be Winston"Lucas said,putting his hands on his hips. "I can't"Mike refused. "Why not"Lucas asked.Mike started stuttering. "Because your not black?"Lucas questioned."I didn't say that"Mike exclaimed. "You thought it"Lucas said.I was watching there entire interaction until Dustin called us.

"Why is no one else wearing a costume?"He asked.We had watched people get off the bus without a costume,confused.The school bell rung, "crap"Lucas said.
"When do people make these decisions"Dustin asked. "Everyone dressed up last year"Will said. "It's a conspiracy Im telling you"Dustin said. "Just be cool"I said,looking at them. "Who you gonna call?The nerds"A random boy said,and I walked up to him with a smile.I pinned him against his locker,turned him around and slammed his head against the locker,full force.He instantly groaned,and I walked back over to my friends.

I have a huge advantage at this school.I'm known as Harlow 'the bully' Harrington while my brother is known as Steve 'the hair' Harrington.I first got the nickname when I tackled a kid after he kicked my in the groin and punching him in his entire face was covered in blood and he looked like Steve when Jonathan had beat him up.Later on a kid was bullying Will and Mike,and I punched him and before he could punch back,Eleven made him piss his pants.Later then,when somebody didn't believe the nickname I got,they tried to punch me and I smashed their head against a locker until he was barley conscious.Steve has not been happy with my behavior at school because he got a call or two about me being a huge dick in school.After a while I continued doing it but it wasn't as bad as before.

Me,Dustin and Lucas opened our locker to grab our book,until we saw her skating down the hall.The gingered beauty. "She's so amazing"I said to Dustin and Lucas.I cracked my knuckles in my hands and neck. "We're really gonna do this"I asked. "Not right now.Me and Dustin look like morons"Lucas said. "Maybe she likes ghostbusters"I said. "Of course she likes Ghostbusters,but that's not the point.The point is we're dressed up and she isn't "Lucas said.

"I didn't bring regular clothes.You?"Dustin asked Lucas. "No.Did you bring some extra clothes"Lucas asked me. "I always bring extra pants,but they're probably too long for you guys"I said. "Then we have no choice.We gotta do this,it's now or never"Dustin said,putting his hands on our shoulder. "Right"Lucas said.

"Let's engage"I said,and we got ready to walk over but it was too late.She was already leaving. "Damn it"I mumbled. "We can ask her after class"Dustin requested. "Yep"Lucas agreed. "Okay"I said,as we walked to class.
"We got this right"I asked,as we spotted Max. "Stop worrying Harl,we got this"Dustin said.I had took a deep breath and we walked over to Max.Dustin cleared his throat getting her attention,and when she looked at us,I almost fell out.Luckily,Lucas pushed me back up before she could notice.

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