Dig Dug

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"You made it yet"I asked,looking through my closet for something to wear. "Yeah,Joyce just let me in"Mike said. "Alright,if he says anything crazy.Let me know"I said. "Copy that.Out"Mike said,turning off his walkie.
Mike Wheeler's POV

"It's like..it's like I feel what the shadow monster's feeling.See what he's seeing."Will explained.He was all sweaty and looked very traumatized and I don't know if I wanna tell Harlow about this. "Like in the upside down?"I asked.He nodded stiffly and slowly. "Some of him is there,but some of him is here,too."Will said. "Here like in this house?"I asked.

"In this house and...in me."He said.I had went over to sit by him while he continued talking. "It's like..it's like he's reaching into Hawkins more and more,and the more he spreads,the more connected to him I feel."Will said. "And the more you see these now memories"I finished. "At first I just felt it in the back of my head.I didn't even know it was there."

"It's like when you have a dream and you can't remember it unless you think really hard.It was like that.But know it's like..now I remember I remember all the time"He had tears coming down,and he was shaking. "Maybe...Maybe that's good"I said. "Good?"He questioned. "Just think about it Will.Your like a spy now.A superspy.Spying on the shadow monster."I said.

"If you know what he's seeing and feeling...maybe that's how we can stop him.Maybe all of this is happening for a reason."I added. "You really think so?"He asked. "Yeah.Yeah,I really do"I told him.He looked at some pictures and I looked too.It was a monster with a lot of legs,probably the shadow monster. "What if he figures out we're spying on him?"Will asked.

"What if he spies back"He asked. "He won't."I responded. "How do you know"He asked.I had put my hand on top of his. "We won't let him"I said.
Harlow Harrington's POV

"Are you sure your okay with Max being mad at you?"Steve asked for the 1000th time,following me around the house. "Looks like your not gonna leave me alone till I say yes"I said,not turning around. "Yes that is completely true"Steve said.I had stopped and turned around. "Look Steve"I said,turning around. "I'm not you.Everybody in the Wheeler family loved you,and well Max's brother don't even like me"I said.

"You just gotta get back on Max's good side,then Billy will see how nice you act around her,and the whole dick thing just toss it in the trash"Steve said. "But Max is a hard girl to convince,I have to do something real crazy"I said,stroking my chin. "Why is she mad anyways?"Steve asked. "Cause Mike was being a d-"Before I could finish,Steve covered my mouth.

"Instead of shit talking Mike,get to the point"He said,removing his mouth. "I couldn't tell her what happened when Eleven was around"I said. "Well just tell her"Steve said. "I can't,Mike will give me a ear full of his bull shit"I said,putting my hands on my hips. "Listen,do you want to get a friend you want back,or lose a friend you don't want?"Steve asked.I had sighed,and looked down.
"This is the only nice thing I'm doing for you dipstick"Keith said,giving me the keys to the machine. "I'm not to crazy about you either"I said,rolling my eyes. "Hey,I can just let her stay mad at your weird ass but no I'm being nice"Keith said. "Like I said,not too crazy about you either"I said,twirling the keys on my finger. "So what's the plan again?"He asked.

"When Max comes here to play Dig Dug,you bring her back here,then I talk to her and I'll give you the date"I explained. "That's kinda plain"Keith said,and I rolled my eyes knowing what's coming next. "What about I say you got into a car accident and your barely breathing and your last words is I love you Max then she spends the rest of her life in love with you"Keith requested. "Thats the dumbest and most stupidest shit I've ever heard"I said,rolling my eyes.

"Hey it's better than confessing your feelings for her in a arcade"Keith said,throwing his hands up in defense. "I'm not confe- you know what we're going with the first plan"I said,going towards the employees only room.
Keith opened the door and there she was.She looked annoyed and I sent her a nervous smile.She had walked in and Keith said, "you better get me that date now,Harrington"He said. "I told you I would shit face"I said.He held his hand out, "and keep things PG in here,all right"He said,and I flipped him off.He winked at Max before closing the door.

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