Chapter Twenty One

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As the people that attends the event started to decrease my eyes can't stop to examine them.

Is he still here?

My phone rings so I turned to my back to get my phone. I checked the caller and it was Draken. I picked it up and I heard his voice.

["Hi, how is it?"] His voice sounded like he just woke up from a nap.

"Oh everything went so good. I enjoyed haha." I said almost saying that Ran visited me here but I choose not to. No not yet.

["That's good to hear. I'm going to visit Emma's grave, where's Mitsuya?"]

"Oh he left to buy food. He complaints that his hungry just by waiting haha." I cheerfully told him. Eyes locked on one person left sitting on the back part of the event.

["Is that so? Please enjoy your stay there, Y/n. And be careful hmm?"] I nodded my head before responding.

"Draken, don't worry about me. I'm going to enjoy my stay here. So enjoy yourself too." I answered. My hands a bit shakey by the anxious feeling starting to form on my chest. My co-writers are talking to each other while cleaning up their desk but I stayed on my sit not doing anything.

My eyes locked with him. On the very back of the venue. There he is sitting while directly looking at me, with his usual calm look and his evil smile. So you're showing yourself to me? What for?

["Hey, Y/n? Are you okay? Is something happened? Hey hey!"] My senses went back when Draken's voice echoes on my head till I realized that I was with a phone call with him. Shit.

"Oh yeah I'm fine. I'll call you later, I need to go back on the hotel so I can rest for awhile." I utters on a low tone. I drink the last drop of tea that my fan gave me because my cheeks started to heat up.

["You sure?"] Draken asks. I feel bad when I noticed his worrying voice. Why do I always make him worry? Such an idiot girl.

"Yes. Oh Mitsuya's here. Be right back!" I said before ending the call. I can't talk to him when I'm like this. I know he will just worry about me and I don't want that. I'm far from him.

"Draken, called you?" Mitsuya said approaching me. His tall figure covered Ran from my eye sight so I kinda feel secure.

"Yes. Can we go home now?" I asked him looking at my co- writers.

"The manager said you can go. Why? Don't you want to stay here for awhile?" Mitsuya asks putting the food he bought on top of the table.

"It's not like that. I want to rest before shopping so I need to go back." I answered, eyes looking at Mitsuya's back. He's still there.

"Hmm? What?" Mitsuya asks looking at his back. He didn't seem to notice Ran sitting at the back so he looked at me again before ruffling my hair.

"Okay then, Let's go." He said laughing. Haaa I hope Ran won't do anything bad today. He can't, he can't hurt Mitsuya just like what he did to Draken last time.

After I bid good bye to my co- writers me and Mitsuya made our way out the venue. His car is parked far away. He wanted me to wait for him on the exit but I insisted to come with him. I'm scared.

"Are you comfortable walking with your high heels?" He asked holding my arms to assist me. I laughed off his worry and taps his hands.

"I'm fine. I can even run with this." I answered. We both laughed and talks about our thoughts on the book signing.

"Hey Mitsuya. Why did you park our car in this dark creepy place haha." I jokingly asked him which he laughs too he scratch the back of his head before answering.

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