Chapter Twenty Two

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Y/N's POV.

I opened my eyes when my head suddenly bump on something. As my vision started to clear I saw two men sleeping beside me. And another two men at the back of the van.

What the hell happened?

I moved my body slowly but an excruciating pain stung my shoulders. As I looked at where the pain came from I saw a huge bandage covering my chest to my shoulders.

"Excuse me, what happened? Where's Mitsuya?" I asked the driver but he didn't seem to notice me or hear me. What the fuck?

"Sleep again, bitch." Said the man beside me and they started to put a mask on. I arched my brow not able to process what he's saying, when the man in front of us points something on me then after seconds the van was filled with smoke.



I shook my head still feeling the pain on my body. What happened? Who was-

"Hey are you okay?" I turned my gaze to Draken who shakes my shoulders. Wait Draken?

"Rest first. You might be shock." Draken said helping me lay my back on the pillow. I closed my eyes and calmed my breathing for it was very fast that I am overwhelmed.

When my heart beat calms I slowly opened my eyes again to meet Draken's eyes full of worry. Beside him was Mitsuya who was holding an IV fluids stand besides him is Inui.

So that was just a dream then?

"What are you feeling? I called the doctor he'll be here in a minute." Draken softly told me caressing my hair.

"When did you?-"

"Earlier." He answered sounding so curious.

"Oh. Sorry I got you worried again." I said looking down on my hands. I hate this feeling. I really hate this. I fucking hate myself for being weak all the time. From Izana's death, I lost Kakucho and now I got Draken and Mitsuya on danger. It's because I'm weak. I always thought I am strong enough to handle this, but I was hallucinating.

"Hey, Y/n. Shh, stop crying please." Draken words entered my ears like a lullaby. I stop myself from sobbing but my tears keep falling non-stop. This is the first tears I shed since the day Manjiro met me.

"When will I be discharged?" I asked Draken wiping my tears and calming myself. He thinks for awhile before answering me.

"The doctor said you can go home by the day after this day." He answered sounding a little curious and worried.

"You don't need to stay here full time. Enjoy yourself outside too." I told him putting his hands into mine and bring it close to my forehead. Draken I don't want you to be hurt again.

"Hmm, if that's what you want, but are you sure? We can do it together if you want to." Draken offered but I shook my head no.

"I'll be okay on my own." I assures him caressing the back of his hands. I kissed it before smiling at him. He kissed my forehead too and ruffles my hair.

"If you are sure you're okay with then,  me and Inupi will go to the hotel and sleep first." He said looking directly on my eyes, asif finding a light on a most darkest valley.

"I'm sure, I also want to be alone for awhile, I need to think or my head will explode haha." I jokingly told him keeping my smile. There Y/n wear it all the way till you finally put an end to Ran, never shows anyone weakness anymore.

"Okay. How about you Mitsuya?" Draken asked him.

"I guess I'll stay on my room for awhile, then I'll be going home with you at night I can't stand staying here." He answered scratching the back of his head with a smile flastered on his lips.

"If that's the case. It'll be only Draken to look for Y/n at night. Because I have to assist Mitsuya." Inupi said nodding his head, we all agreed at what he said before the three of them go out. I waved my hands one last time smiling at them.

Did the police catch them? I wanna know but I'm not ready to talk about it for awhile.

I lay down on the hospital bed staring at the ceiling for awhile before I raise my arms to see the scar on my pulse. Ran

He marks me like an object he owns. What a monster.

I covered my eyes when it starts to hurt by the light. A tear fell but I bit my lower lip trying not to make a mess. I wanna hate my mom and dad for having me marry this monster, but it's my fault for staying. Here I go again walking to the path where I didn't know how to start or when to finish.

If only Izana is here, if only he wasn't shot dead I would have a good life with him and Kakucho. If only I wasn't born weak maybe I have the voice to say no that snowy day I met my parents.

As I silently cry all my what if's and everything I feel myself getting tired. I sigh before closing my eyes. I'm tired for everything...


As Y/n fell asleep a man on a nurse uniform entered her room holding a gun on his left hand.

He check's Y/n's vitals before removing all the apparatus on her body. But before he could carry her his phone rang that he answered angrily.

"What do you want? Don't you see I'm on the middle of something?" He said whispering almost shouting at the caller.

"Oh Sir. Sanzu? O-okay I'll bring her to Sir. Sanzu first." He said calming down he cut the call and put his phone on his pocket.

His shakey hands made their way to her fragile body she moved a bit but before she could open her eyes he pulled out a syringe by his jacket's pocket and shakily inject the fluid on Y/n.

Her head falls instantly as the injected chemical effects her system. He carry her body on his shoulder and slowly go out her room. He hurriedly runs through the dark hallway of the hospital and slowly go down using the stairs. Despite the darkness he skillfully carry Y/n and manage to escape the hospital.

He walks through the dark parking lot making sure to keep himself on the security's blindspot.

Two men approached him the other one opening the back door for him to put the sleeping Y/n.

The three men entered the car and drove pass the hospital carrying Y/n with them when someone calls again.

"Yes sir?" The man beside Y/n answered the call. They became silent for awhile listening to the man speaking.

"Roger, Sir. I'll bring Y/n to you before I bring her to Sir Ran and Sir Sanzu" The man said mentioning to the driver to switch ways. Because the plan changed.

"Alright, Sir. Rindou."


❀✎ᝰ. I am very sorry for not updating for awhile and giving you small chapter but yeah I've been through something but I want to thank you guys for supporting this book! I love you!

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