Extra 3- Jeongcheol fucked up pt2

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Location: Unknown
Time: 6:45 am
Pov: 3rd

Three weeks. It took three weeks for them to wake up and be coherent enough to actually talk and remember what happened.

Luckily it was 6 in the morning and everyone else was sleep. So it was just them up.

They stopped having someone stay up all night a few days ago after they took Seungcheol off the respiratory machine.

"Hannie? Are you awake?" Seungcheol asked with a sore throat, it being obvious it hasn't been used in awhile.

Jeonghan didn't bother replying and just slowly got out of his bed to wobble over to Seungcheol's to lay down beside him.

"Hannie the fuck are you doing? You might aggravate your injuries." Seungcheol said sitting up a bit to watch him wobble over to him.

"I'll be fine, just need to feel you. Make sure this isn't another dream." Jeonghan said after getting comfortable and looking at Seungcheol.

"From what I remember hearing when they brought us back, you were worst off then me. How are you feeling?" Jeonghan continued, running his hand over Seungcheol's wrapped chest.

He wasn't lying, Jeonghan might've been bleeding out and about to die but Seungcheol was basically already dead. The amount of times they had to bring him back to the land of the living was unnerving.

"I'm fine now that we're safe. I definitely won't be able to teach Wonwoo how to swim for a few months. Can't believe those bastards broke my foot and leg. I swear when I find them-" Seungcheol started before getting interrupted. Him and Jeonghan looking up at the culprit.

"No need. We already found them. We as in your boyfriends who are also apart of Seventeen. We did it together since we aren't stupid enough to try and do it solo." Joshua said walking fully in and going over to Jeonghan's iv stand to turn the silent alarm off.

They added them after the shopping incident.

"Josh..."Jeonghan started not knowing what to say.

It took a few minutes of silence before he could gather what he wanted to say.

"We didn't go there wanting to get jumped, it was honestly supposed to be a super easy and quick mission and we would be back before anyone noticed." Jeonghan eventually finished when Joshua finally looked at them.

"Yeah well, if you two would've told at least Jihoon he would've told you guys it was a fuckin rouse, it barely took him ten minutes to figure that out." Joshua said pining both of them with a glare.

But he wasn't done there, no he had to make sure they understood exactly why he was so pissed.

"Do you know how hysteric Hao was when he noticed you were gone? He was seconds away from having a horrible panic attack when hoonie figured out you two were setup! He hasn't had one of those in YEARS! And oh god don't get me started on Chan, you know your other boyfriend who thought we were dead for 11 months and just got us back. We had to sedate him and leave him on the couch in the mission room with Hansol because if we didn't he probably would've had a FUCKING HEART ATTACK! HE'S ONLY TWENTY-ONE YEARS OLD HE SHOULDN'T BE ABOUT TO KEEL OVER BECAUSE OF SOMETHING THAT COULD'VE BEEN PREVENTED!" He had to take a deep breath before he could continue with what he was saying.

"Wonwoo hasn't said a fucking word since we found you guys, Seokmin just sits in the living room starring out the window, Mingyu stays in the gym until he passes out and one of us have to drag him to bed, Soonyoung tries his best to make sure Hansol doesn't get back into his self harm tendencies which by the way IS FUCKING BACK, Minghao barely sleeps and won't until he passes out and then he's out for days, Jun is trying his hardest to make sure everyone eats while keeping an eye on Chan who guess what? IS FUCKING SUICIDAL AND CANT BE LEFT ALONE TO EVEN PISS!" Joshua yelled pacing in-front of the hospital bed, face getting redder the longer he spoke.

"Baby, please-" Seungcheol started but got interrupted once again by Joshua.

"I wasn't fucking done." Joshua said turning to look at them, daring them to start talking again before he let them.

After a few minutes of no one saying anything he continued with his rant.

"Jihoon who by the way hasn't been able to even look at you two without breaking down has shut himself in one of the rooms and only comes out when Jun is making everyone eat, and Seungkwan, fuck Seungkwan barely even leaves this room too worried that if he does your hearts will stop again. I had to fucking carry him out last night because he had been up for four days straight. And me? I've had to not only keep you two alive but everyone else too, so don't give me no 'it was supposed to be easyyy' BECAUSE IT FUCKING WASN'T! I look at my hands sometimes and all I see is your blood on them. So here's what's going to happen, no one is going on any mission until everyone is okay. Lord knows we don't need the money." Joshua let out before finally laying down on the edge of the hospital bed.

It was silent for a good twenty minutes before one of them spoke up.

"How do we make it better?" Jeonghan asked looking at Seungcheol and Joshua with tears in his eyes looking as distraught as he sounded.

Joshua could only sigh before moving up to them making sure not to jostle any injuries.

"Just get better and never do something like that again, ever. Cheol? Hannie? I love you guys, I really do. But i'll kill you myself if you put us through this ever again." Joshua said looking every bit serious about what he said.

Most likely because he was. It wasn't the first time he's said this to them, Jeonghan has a scar on his back and Seungcheol has one on the back of his neck to prove it.

He really would kill them if they ever did something so stupid again.


It took six months before either of them could move with no pain.

The others haven't stopped being overprotective of them so they quite literally don't leave the house unless three others are with them.

They wouldn't want to anyway. Getting beat up and then watching the love of your life be stomped on and shot would make you a bit wary of being alone too.

After that morning of Joshua telling them off he went and woke everyone up to tell them they had risen from their comas.

The first sentence Wonwoo had said in weeks was for them to take their apology and shove it up their asses. He was the last one to actually forgive them. Nothing a bit of seduction couldn't fix though.

Everything was getting better, they were healing.

Well until Jun and the stupid club ran away to China as a prank.



I know it's short but I wasn't sure where I was taking this and then another idea popped up in my head and i got distracted.

On another note, i'm pushing these chapters out like theyre baby's🥳🥳

Hope everyone enjoyed, Ilyg <3

word count : 1262

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