
686 27 1

7:38 pm / chan's apartment

chans pov / third


Once again chan was under his covers except this time he was naked, with a sore body, and a dresser behind his door blocking it from being opened. Once they were done punishing him and went to change and get ready for the others to come back chan used all his energy to push his dresser behind his bedroom door and lock it. That was at least two hours ago and they stopped trying to get in a hour ago.

Now the others were home and dinner was getting started. Chan could hear all the noise they were making and it made him sad to think about how quiet it was when it was just him. Since he was deep in his thoughts he jumped when he heard a knock on his door.

"Chan? Can you unlock the door please? I have food and chocolate milk." Vernon asked quietly not knowing if Chan would let him in. Chan stood up and pushed the dresser aside.

"Just you?" Chan asked with hesitation. " Just me." Vernon confirmed with a smile not that chan could see it. Chan unlocked his door and let Vernon in and quickly shut the door and locked it back.

" You know the hyungs are worried, they said you didn't let them rub some soothing cream on." Vernon said while setting the food down on a table and pulling out a cream bottle from his pocket.

" I didn't even think about that, are you going to apply it?" Chan said with a smirk while laying down on his stomach.

"Of course I am, i'm your boyfriend or are you still sticking with the idea that you're single now?" Vernon said with a raised eyebrow, sitting down beside chan on his bed putting the cream on his hands and starting to rub it on chans thighs.

Chan scoffed and said " I was angry and you guys died I think that means I am technically single. And I was horny and was hoping to get railed but all i got was a sore lower half (he got spanked 20 more times ) and a speech about if I ever let another guy see me naked that would be the last thing they ever see."

Vernon laughed and said "I know and I hope after we all talk you'll technically be taken but if getting fucked was all you wanted you should've just asked you know they would never turn you down." Chan moaned and was in too much bliss to even respond to that and Vernon chuckled again while starting to move up and rub the cream on his ass.

It was  20 minutes later that Vernon finally finished rubbing the cream in and got their dinner from the table. They were sitting against the back board with Vernon legs over chans trying to pick a show to watch on the tv in chans room.

40 minutes later —————————————-|

"So, uh what happened last night?" Vernon asked after they were done eating. While absent mindedly cleaning up the crumbs they left.

I should've known he would ask this he's always been noisy Chan thought. " My friend is moving and has just then told me. Since you guys left, ive hated change with a passion." Chan snorted and said.

"So that's why you were angry when he called because you knew he was gonna say something that would change your daily life?" Vernon asked while mentally making a note to tell Chan to tell the others this. Him hating change so much he would have a breakdown if too much  changed wasn't normal.

" Well yeah, nothing was going as I planned and I at least wanted to be able to actually fall asleep early again. It's been hard trying to sleep without knowing you guys are there." Chan said while looking away with a slight blush on his cheeks.

Vernon just looked at chan with a slight smile before leaning in to kiss him. Chan was a little surprised but kissed back and the slow soft kiss turned fast and rough in a spilt second. They both were oblivious to the fact that they were moaning loudly and to the fact that the noise in the living room and kitchen had stopped and became quiet.

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