Chapter 15

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In the morning, when I wake without Katherine in the bed, I walk to the kitchen to find the girls cooking along to the Frank Sinatra songs. I stay here for a moment, my side pressed to the wall, my arms crossed over my chest and watch my girls. This is how it was back then. Katherine would wake up before me and cook breakfast and I would make sure that I got to thank her after in the bedroom. But now there is a little angel who helps her and it's still crazy to think that she's part of me, that she's part of both Katherine and me.

Katherine notices me watching them, as she sits Adaline on the counter, but puts her down with a smile. My baby girl rushes to me and I open my arms widely.

"Daddy!" She says as she wraps her tiny arms around me. I pull her up and spin us in a circle, the house feels with her laughter.

I walk to my other girl and kiss her, "Good morning baby."

"Good morning." She says with a smile.

"Daddy, but mommy is not a baby." Adaline says and we both laugh.

"Your mommy is a big baby." I say and Katherine rolls her eyes playfully.

"Mommy is like a barbie." Adaline says. Yes, yes she is.

"Beautiful?" I ask and Adaline nods.

"Okay, sit down. We're having breakfast." Katherine says as she grabs the plate stacked with crepes.

"Woah, are you going to eat them?" I ask Adaline.


"All of them?"


"Let's see who can eat more."

"She'll explode." Katherine jokes.

I grab the cheese spread and put it on Adaline's crepe, "She'll be fine." Obviously I'm not going to eat as much as I usually do.

"Do you want to go out tonight?" Katherine asks me.

"Do you?"

She looks at Adaline thoughtfully, "Maybe we can drop her off at Hayley's and ask for their nanny to look after her. We can all hangout, the four of us." She bites down her lip. I know that she's desperate to go out. It was me who had the option to go out everyday, although I didn't. I just drank my sorrow at home. She on the other hand didn't even have that.

"Sure babe." I say and take a bite of the crepe. So good...

"Okay, so, as a one time thing..." Katherine starts to say as she stands up and walks over to the kitchen cabinets. "I have something." She puts a jar of chocolate spread onto the table.

"Yayy!" Adaline shouts and starts to clap in excitement.

"I didn't even know that you had that in the house, or I would've eaten it at night." I say and Katherine smirks.

"That's why I didn't tell you." She puts a crepe into her plate with a smack. So funny. I'm not following their stupid diet plan, I already feel like I've lost ten pounds.

"Do you like Violet?" I ask Adaline as Katherine gets ready for our night out upstairs.

"Yes. But she's small." She says while she pulls out some of her books from the bookshelf in her room.

"Yeah... You were small too." I can't actually picture how she was when she was as small as Violet. I've seen the pictures, but I don't know the feeling of looking after such a small human being. I guess it's scary. Especially for the first time. Their age difference is not going to matter when they grow up, but for now I'm happy that she can play with Lucas and that in the future he'll be like a big brother to her.

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