Chapter 17

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I feel like I've drank too much caffeine and can't stand in one place. Her friends that are her bridesmaids are walking down the aisle and I know that it's going to be her turn very soon.

All of our family and friends are waiting in anticipation. Owen is standing right next to me as my best man and I look at Adaline who is sitting on Linda's lap. She obviously doesn't really understand what's going on, but she looks incredibly beautiful in a white little dress and curly hair. It's interesting to get married when you already have a child and it makes me think about her wedding, although she's too small to even think about it yet.

"Please tell me that you have the rings." I ask Owen.

"Don't worry, your expensive ass rings are here." He says holding up the box.

"Stop fucking talking." Diana scolds us.

"You're the one who's talking." Owen fires back and Hayley muffles her laughs behind Diana.

"Idiots." Diana rolls her eyes. I always knew that she's so fucking nice.

I'm so glad that we chose this place with the trees around and the weather today is actually so warm. The music is also uniquely chosen by us as we both pay attention to these things.

When the music changes, I strait my back and watch as my gorgeous bride walks down the aisle. I am the luckiest person in the world to have her. I waited for this moment for so long and it's finally happening. Everyone stands up and watches her literally glow under the setting sun. Her dress is stunning and exactly in her style, simple but yet elegant and she looks just as perfect as the flowers she's holding. Mr. Barclay walks her to me and hands her hand to mine before taking his seat at the front row. Katherine gives the flowers to Diana and takes my other hand. It's so hard to keep a straight face at this moment, but having her here in front of me minutes away from becoming my wife is the best feeling.

My dad's friend Ruth, who is a judge, stands between us and says, "Friends, we have joined here today to share with Katherine and Christopher an important moment in their lives. Their time together, they have seen their love and understanding of each other grow and blossom and now they have decided to live out the rest of their lives as one." Very cheese but I guess that's what you hear at weddings.

"Christopher, you may say your vows." Ruth says.

I take Katherine's ring from Owen and start by saying, "Katherine, from the day I've met you, I knew that you would change my life, but I never would have imagined that I would be so lucky to have you by my side as my partner and as the mother of our daughter... I promise that I will be by your side, no matter what. I will always love and cherish you." I take her left hand and slide the ring next to the engagement ring.

"Katherine." Ruth says and Owen hands her my ring. I finally will have a ring, a small thing but means a lot.

"Christopher," She says. She only calls me by my full name when she's serious, so it's weird to hear her calling me that while she's smiling. But it's a beautiful smile, very bright and very happy. "I have to start by saying that I hated him at first." She says, looking at our guests and everyone laughs. I knew that her vows were going to be funny. Katherine has this thing of making everyone laugh. "But when I actually got to know you, after our loud arguments in the coffee shop and college hallways, I realised that you are the nicest person in the world... A person who loves unconditionally and never leaves at the hard times but only tries to help as much as you can. You made me feel loved and made our daughter laugh and actually become a real father to her that she looks up to and sees as a hero. You became the light of my nightmares and sunshine of my dark days. I will never stop loving you and my love will only grow with each moment we spend together." Wow, she's better than I am at this. She takes my left hand and puts the ring on my finger.

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