Chapter 23

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"Hello, Katherine." Sarah says walking into the room.

"Oh it's you." I say and I feel another contraction.

"Hi, Sarah." My doctor's exchange a hug.

"Are you ready darling?" Sarah asks me.

"Just get it out." I say and she smiles knowingly.

"Okay. Nice to see you Christopher." She greets him as she puts on the gloves.

"Hello, it's nice to finally see you too." He says back.

"Okay, Katherine... Darling open your legs and get into the position that you'll feel the most comfortable." My doctor says.

"It doesn't exist." I say and they chuckle.

"It's okay." Chris takes my hand. "I'm right here." He plants a kiss on top of it.

"With each contraction give me a good push okay?" Sarah asks.

"I'll try." I say, just kill me right now.

As I feel the contraction, I push and hold on to Chris with one hand and to the bed with the other.

"Great. You can do it." She tells me.

I keep pushing and Chris keeps comforting me by rubbing his hand by my arm.

When tears well up in my eyes because of the pain, he leans down and kisses my forehead.

"Come on honey. It's the head. You have to push."

If before that I was muffling my voice, now I let out a scream as I push again.

"Come on, Katherine. You can do it."

I don't stop and hold myself together. I have to do it, Katherine, do it. Don't quit. I push more and don't even try to keep it together as I feel it coming out of me. With my last breath, the last scream comes out and I fall my head back down onto the bed, just to feel the relief of an emptiness but a huge ache in between my legs. A moment later the baby starts to cry and before they can do anything they give her to me.

"Here we go." Sarah says, placing her onto my chest.

"Oh my baby." I say as she stops crying when she holds onto me. "Mommy's here." I let out a couple of tears. Chris is also crying as he kisses me and looks at the baby.

"Hi Nora." He says, moving his finger to her hand and she wraps her hand around it. "Welcome to the family."

I remember the days when I was telling myself that I will probably never have a family. The problem wasn't with me finding someone to spend the rest of my life with, but with how I will keep the family together. I am hard to deal with. Even though through the years I found a way to let go of some of my past, I still have demons inside of me. The faith already had plans for me apparently. I let Christopher into my life and he was and still is the only person who knows me better than anyone and who can actually deal with the darkness inside of me. He brings the light into my life as I bring out the good parts of me into his. We were always meant to be together. One way or another we would've met and fell in love with each other. Irene once told me that they were supposed to be at my and Harvey's first birthday party, but Chris got sick, he had a fever and they had to stay home. Couple of weeks later my parents died and I didn't get to meet him until college. I know that if my parents hadn't died then we would've grown up together and eventually be together, but I wouldn't change one thing from my past. We are who we are because of the things that we had to go through.

I stand here at the backyard with Chris's arms wrapped around behind me and watch my little girls play on the grass as the gorgeous Los Angeles sunset shines over them. I know that it's not the end,

it's just the beginning... 

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