This is What Happens When You Watch Too Many Horror Movies: Chapter III

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Dragging himself out of bed, Andy rubbed his eyes and glanced at the clock. It was 6:45 in the morning and he had plans to watch movies at Matt's house that night.  

He slowly pulled out a pair of jeans and an Iron Maiden t-shirt out of his closet and started making his way to the bathroom. He could sleep for another ten or so minutes but he was wide awake from that vivid dream he just had. He didn't want to think about it, he decided. He just wanted to shower, leave, pick up Kathy, and go to school. 

Man, was he glad Kathy hadn't been in that dream. He had been crushed seeing Cooper and Matt dead, but he'd lose his mind if something had happened to Kathy, even if it was only a dream.

After showering, dressing himself, and grabbing his books, he was in his car and on his way to pick up Kathy at 7:05.  

Kathy was his girlfriend of six months, and they were absolutely head-over-heels in love. They had met in Chemistry class the previous year and had bonded over long discussions and similar views on life. 

However, Kathy's parents were horrified at the fact that her and Andy had been dating and driving to school together. They didn't want their little girl spending so much time with someone like Andy. They refused to get to know him and just saw him as a tall, dark threat to them and their daughter, despite the fact that Andy was always a perfect gentleman when it came to Kathy-he let her go at her own pace, he listened to her when she needed to talk, he was always rational when they got into a fight, he respected her completely, and always put her first. He was near everything a girl or her parents could ask for, but sometimes it just wasn't enough. 

He picked Kathy up at her house and then headed straight towards the school. 

Andy considered himself lucky to be with Kathy, and nobody really disagreed considering how beautiful she was. Her hair was long, chestnut-colored, and nearing waist-length. Her eyes were a deep chocolate color. The slightest flush of pink on her cheeks illuminated her pale skin and, along with her thin pinkish lips, helped create a smile that significantly brightened up the room. She had a tiny stature and diminutive frame that made her almost look like a child next to Andy, who was nearing six foot four.  

As she walked out the door, bags in arms, Andy walked over to the passenger side of the car and opened the door for her. He grabbed her bags and set them on the back seat before getting back into his seat and starting to drive to school. 

Andy didn't think he was acting any different than usual, but Kathy picked up on it right away. 

"What's wrong, Andy? You look kind of sick," she said, putting her hand on his shoulder.  

"It's nothing," he insisted, letting out a deep sigh and thinking about it. "Just a crazy dream I had last night." 

"What happened in it?" she asked, concerned. "Whatever it was, it must have been pretty bad. You look like you haven't slept in days and you're white as a sheet."  

"It was pretty bad," he admitted. "It scared the hell out of me. I actually thought it was real up until I woke up. 

"It was me, Coop, and Matt. We were at Matt's place and we were going to watch movies. I came downstairs with the popcorn and neither of them were anywhere to be found. That is, until I looked in the deep freeze. 

"Coop was in there with a fatal stab wound. He was holding on but didn't have long. Before he died, he told me they had taken Matt into the garage. I never found out who this 'they' was, but they stabbed Matt in the back with a bread knife. He pointed toward the door leading to the backyard where I followed bloody footprints to the garage. In there, I found some really big person in a cloak who I guess was the killer. I had found a steak knife in the laundry room and I used it against the figure until I was knocked to the ground. That was when I woke up in a cold sweat in my room at 6:45." 

Kathy was silent for a moment. "That's horrible. What do you think it means?" 

"Well, if I mention it to them, they'll claim it was because of my 'unhealthy obsession with violence'. They're obsessed with teasing me about my extreme liking of blood." 

"Don't let them bother you," Kathy told him, smiling as they pulled into the school parking lot. "I love everything about you." 

"Well, I guess I can't argue with that one," he said, pulling into a parking spot and giving her a short peck on the lips. "You're pretty amazing yourself." 

They continued being lovey-dovey and started to kiss before Cooper and Matt snuck up behind them. 

"Get a room, you two," Coop said in a sarcastically disapproving manner. 

"Yes, indeed," Matt chimed in. "Getting it on in the parking lot is a sign of disrespect to Principal McAllistair and, on a less direct level, the police." 

"Like you care about disrespecting the police," Andy said after letting go of Kathy. "I'm not the one with the nighttime pre-test joint ritual. I do this thing called studying. It works pretty well; I think you should try it." 

"I thought you were a well-behaved gentleman. Who knew you had it in you to be a smart-ass," Matt chuckled. "Congratulations, I'm proud of you." 

"Go to hell," Andy said with a hint of amusement in his voice.  

"I believe you're first on the waiting list there, Andrew Quentin Ridley," Matt replied jokingly. It was just then when the bell rang. That signaled that there was ten minutes until homeroom started. 

"Well, I need to go," Kathy said, grabbing her bags. "My locker and homeroom are on opposite sides of the school." 

"See you in Physics," Andy said, kissing her goodbye. She returned the favor and then started walking up to the school. 

After she was at least halfway through the parking lot, Matt started up again.  

"Well, I think it's been long enough so that I can ask this without getting beaten half to death with a blunt object." Matt cleared his throat and paused for a second. "Have you hit that yet?" 

"Is that any of your business, Matthew Richard Lynch? Because, last time I checked, it didn't involve you," Andy replied with the slightest hint of satisfaction lingering on his tone. 

"I can tell by your face," Coop started in. "You have." 

Andy hesitated and then beckoned them forward. "Walk with me." 

"So," Matt began as they walked through a maze of cars leading up to the school. "How was it? When was it?" 

"Well, it was our six month last week when we decided we were ready," Andy spilled. "And I honestly think it brought us closer emotionally. I loved her before, but not as much as I do now. I'd do anything for her." 

"Man, I'm happy for you guys," Matt told him. "Congratulations."  

"Thanks," Andy replied. "Well, I've got to go to my homeroom. See you guys tonight." 

"Which reminds me, what are you bringing tonight Coop?" Matt asked. 

"I was thinking about going easy this week," Cooper replied. "Lost Boys and Fright Night okay with you?" 

"Yeah, awesome," Matt replied. "I love those movies." 


"Same," he replied. "They're fine with me." 

"So I'll see Andy in Pre-Calc, then I'll see both of you at Matt's later. Sound good?" 

Before they separated, Andy and Matt agreed.

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