This is What Happens When You Watch Too Many Horror Movies: Chapter V

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"Guys, does this seem suspicious to you?" Matt said, his eyes glued to the back window. They were within five minutes of his house and the area grew less business-based and more residential as they went. 

"What's suspicious?" asked Cooper. Andy's eyes were on the road. 

"There's this little white car following us. It's been directly behind us since we left the mall."  

"Anyone we know?" Andy asked him, slightly concerned. It was like that was the danger he was picking up in the mall. 

Matt looked back. "The windows are tinted so damn dark, I can't see a thing." 

"Oh, wonderful," sighed Andy. "Just what I need today-a mysterious car following me to your house." 

"It really isn't your day, is it?" Matt asked. "Well besides Kathy in the parking lot. Speaking of parking lots, they're not a good place for yours and hers activities." 

"Just shut up and keep me posted on the pursuer." then Andy added, "Are they still following us?" 

"Yup, right behind."  

After Matt confirmed it, Andy glanced in the rearview mirror to get a look at what they were dealing with. What he saw was an average-sized white truck with windows so darkly tinted that they couldn't possibly drive it at night for lack of visibility.  

"I wouldn't worry about them much," Cooper told Andy. "I'm surprised they can see through the windshield let alone drive." 

"What do you think they want?" Matt asked. I could tell he didn't really wanna have to hear the answer.  

They didn't have time to give him one, however, because they had just pulled into the gravel driveway along the side of the house. The white car parallel parked across the street. 

"So, what do we do now?" Matt asked Andy quietly.  

Andy then walked up to the porch and grabbed the key from under the mat. "Just pretend they're not there. If they become a threat, we call the cops." 

Cooper nodded in agreement and, after a few seconds of pondering, so did Matt. They went in and Cooper closed the door behind them. The white car never left. In fact, it was still there three and a half hours later when they finished up the movies and went upstairs to browse cable when Andy happened to glance out the window. He then paused and stared out the window with a blank, frightened expression on his face. 

"They're still here?!" Cooper exclaimed. "I thought they would have given up on whatever by now." 

"Apparently not, considering they're still parked right across the street." After this thought, Andy became distracted yet again by the sound of metal being pried apart. He glanced over toward the driveway and proceeded to exclaim "Shit, that's my car!" 

Without his shoes, Andy jerked open the door and ran across the yard into the driveway.  

The grass was cold and wet with the evening's rainfall and then temperature was only about forty degrees. Andy felt the biting cold at his feet as he marched through the near-blackness to his car, as well the gravel going into his foot, but his mind was set on one thing: his car. 

He approached the figure from behind, quiet as can be, and snatched the crowbar right out of their hands.  

Then he heard a muffled man's voice from under the mask he was wearing. "You little shit! I don't care if this is your damn car, so give me back the crowbar and nobody gets hurt." 

That pushed quiet, polite Andy off the edge. He was beyond angry. He felt his face heat up with anger, saw what little vision he had in this light gain a reddish tint, and heard a growl escape his lips. The robber looked at him like he was crazy. 

"Ha! You think growling is going to get rid of me?" he laughed, his gravelly voice tearing through the great blackness. "Let me tell you, boy-it will take a lot more than imitating a dog to scare me off." 

That was it for Andy. He felt his right hand curl into a tight fist as his breathing got louder and more menacing . Before he knew what was going on, he had released his fist and it had smacked against the strange man's face with a loud crack, knocking him out. It wasn't until then that Andy awoke from his fit of rage. When he looked down at his feet, he couldn't believe it.

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