《Loop 2》

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"I won't lie to you and tell you life will be better for doing the right thing, but you will be a better person . . ."


Xiao Zhan's POV

"Are you still afraid of the dark?" She asked; the world before my eyes was pitch black.


"You know, there is nothing to be afraid of, ZhanZhan; maybe the monsters under your bed just want to befriend you?" A giggle followed her words.

I looked around me, everything was so dark, and it felt so cold.

So cold.

"ZhanZhan, don't be afraid of the death, be afraid of the living," her voice stated with a sense of dread.

My eyes shot open; the room filled with morning light.

Did I fall asleep?

I took a sharp breath before pushing myself backwards, causing the chair to scrape loudly against the wooden floor.

Something felt very wrong.

I could sense it; it hung thick in the atmosphere like perfume.


Everywhere was chaos. People were running around mindlessly, screaming while the once-white tiles of the beautiful grand ballroom turned red with footsteps.

A deep red like blood.

It wasn't clear what exactly had happened as everyone pushed me aside, but the flares of things I heard and puzzling together meant that someone had been killed.

While I pushed further away yesterday, there was also a loud gunshot and many screams and cries that died out.

Shaking the memory away, I bristled loudly. There was no way I could have changed what happened anyway, but I clearly remembered flopping down on my bed in exhaustion and not coming close to my laptop.

The so-said laptop was now open in its slumber, almost like it was watching me, a ridiculous thought.

Taking a second to take in the rest of my surroundings, I noticed nothing had changed; besides, my bed that got made up, my laptop was open, and my room was cleaner than I remembered it to have been before I dazed off yesterday.

Turning around, I also saw my window wide open, and I didn't remember opening my window yesterday night either, especially since the guards ordered us to stay in our rooms, and close windows and doors.

This meant that I was sleepwalking or someone had gotten into my room. The latter sounded crazy and made no sense, and neither did the first option the longer I pondered.

I had never sleepwalked before; the circumstances didn't add up.

The longer I sat on that chair, staring at my laptop accusingly, the more I felt my conscious stir, telling me I was overlooking something.

Standing up, I stretched my sore legs, looking all over the desk for my phone, which was nowhere to be seen, and as I checked my pockets, it was neither there.

I closed my eyes, racking my memories, and I would swear up and down that, I had left my phone in my pocket when I fell asleep.

Slowly I walked around the room, my mind going through all the memories I had of last night's event after I returned to my room.

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