《Loop 2》

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"The world is big and I want to have a good look at it before it gets dark . . ."


Xiao Zhan's POV

I tried to follow my instinct as I pushed the nagging voice down again, focusing on Tracer.

"You wanted to speak to me?" He stared at me while he fidgeted with his fingers as if the realisation of what he had done settled now.

His posture and words were fighting against each other.

"Do you remember who I am, Tracer?" He glanced at me through his lashes, almost contemplating what to answer.

"Tracer, you know who I am, don't you; why would you otherwise have fought against your bodyguards and dragged me to your room? I do like to assume it's not something you usually do?" I smiled, trying to see if my methods of yesterday still had the same effect on him as Tracer looked offended, a frown appearing on his face.

If it weren't for the situation we got stuck in, I would have loved to provoke him more, but I knew right now was not the time.

The ghost boy still lingered behind Tracer, watching me like a hawk as I tried to ignore him; ignorance is bliss.

Tracer still refused to talk, so I decided to take the risk.

"You know we're reliving the same day, don't you?" Tracer's eyes widened, and that was the cue I needed.

I stood up, approaching Tracer, "You remember yesterday, don't you, how we met, and how all of this is a twisted replay of yesterday's events?" After every word, I took a step closer, and Tracer backed away.

"I-" Tracer stuttered as he snapped his mouth shut. I took one more step towards him, noticing the ghost boy in the corner of my eye, trying to stand between us.

I leaned forwards, being only a breath away from Tracer.

"Don't lie. You are aware of what's happening, are you not?"

Tracer tried to back away, hitting the bookcase behind him while I stood my ground.

"It's no use to try and change what happened yesterday if it won't get us out of this loop. You can try to please your uncle all you want, but it won't change the future from changing now," I talked calmly, trying to spot a change in Tracer's behaviour.

His shoulder stiffened, "how are you so sure?" Tracer said, his voice booming through the silence of the room.

I couldn't help but let out a melancholic smile, the voice inside my head whispering; because I tried it.

"Tracer, we're stuck in a time loop; something is looping us back, and if you don't believe me, I am willing to wait until tomorrow and wait for you to find me. We have to stop this eventually!" Tracer glanced sideways, almost as if he was looking at the ghost boy, and then he returned his gaze to me, and I recognised that look: denial.

There was nothing I could do to convince him for now.

"If you're not listening, I cannot force you to, so I will take my leave." I took a step sideways, walking towards the door. The feeling of disappointment nestled inside my chest, but I refused to let it win.

I was about to go outside when Tracer suddenly held my arm, refusing to let go, and I turned around to look at him, raising an eyebrow.

A spark of hope glowing.

"The woman. The one that got murdered yesterday, did you know her?" I stilled before shaking my head, "I was barely even able to see what happened, let alone know the lady that died."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2023 ⏰

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