| 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏 |

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"Calm down Y/n! your mother is giving birth to your younger brother so stay calm!" Y/n said to herself as she walked back and forth, overthinking if the birth of her younger brother will be successful or not, but other than that she hopes that everything will turn out great.

"Are you alright Y/n?" Her father came out of the delivery room to check on his daughter who was currently overthinking the situation even though she isn't the one giving birth (lol).

"Yes and no,  what if everything goes wrong? what if my mother couldn't-"

"Everything will be fine, Y/n, your mother is currently doing well and the nurses are helping her, so how about you pass the time and go to the garden for a while? to get your mind off things" Loyce said and placed his hand on Y/n's shoulder as she reassures her of the situation.

"Yeah.. but what if I miss my little brother's birth?" She said while looking up at her father with worry in her eyes.

"I'll tell you when she gets into labor, for now, you need to relax, I'll call a guard to escort you while you're at it" Loyce smiles at her as she nodded.

Loyce summons a castle guard, he was fairly tall and seemed to almost be the same age as Y/n, he had black hair and ocean eyes, he was kinda cute too but his eyes showed no light in them.

"Y/n, this is Zenon and he will be escorting you to the garden" He kneels down since he was in the presence of the island's strongest royals and the Heir to the throne, as well as the king himself.

He remained silent, but he stood up and Y/n's father then spoke.

"Run along now, I'll tell you when your brother has arrived" Loyce motioned the two to walk away as Zenon stood by the princess.

"Alright, we'll be back soon Father!" She said as she walked away with Zenon walking a bit behind her.

It was silent, but it was a comfortable silence, though the two have never met before it was already obvious that the two could already become close by one interaction.

"So, how old are you Zenon?" She asked as they walked.

"15, your Highness" He replied.

"Hm? your 4 years older than me!" She thought that he would be slightly older, like 17-18 but perhaps she was wrong since he was definitely a bit younger.

She began talking about things, like books, animals, theories, etc etc as Zenon just listened to every word she said as they walked to the Garden (lalalala and okokokok fr).

- They arrive at the garden -

They got to the garden, it was snowing but Y/n's clothes we already made for such weather since it never stops snowing in the kingdom, only sometimes did the sun shine upon them so it was wear for people to wear such thin clothes.

"Seems like the Lily of the Valey has grown a lot recently" She smiled as she sees her favorite flower surrounding most of the garden.

She makes her way toward them, smelling their beautiful scent as she starts to loosen up a bit.

"It's not often you see flowers that can survive the cold" She gently picks one up in her hand, smelling it as she rose it towards her nose, and as she puts it down a butterfly made its way near her face

"It's not often you see flowers that can survive the cold" She gently picks one up in her hand, smelling it as she rose it towards her nose, and as she puts it down a butterfly made its way near her face

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(was too lazy to color the rest lol also pretend her hair is black :>)

She stares at it for a minute before it flew away.

"A butterfly in the winter?" She said confused.

"There are some rare prototypes of butterflies that could withstand the cold, your Highness," Zenon said to her as he watched her closely.

"Really? I thought butterflies don't usually survive in such cold weather" Her curiosity grew as she watches the butterfly flutter away to who knows where.

Zenon suddenly lifts his hand and spoke again.

"Your Highness, it's time to return," He said.

"Mother is already giving birth?! let's hurry Zenon!" She suddenly pulls Zenon by the wrist and runs back into the castle to the delivery room.

– They reach the Delivery room –

She bursts in, still holding Zenon by the wrist as she stared in awe as she sees her newborn brother in her mother's arms.

"Is that?.." She said, utterly surprised as she let go of the knight and walked toward the bed.

"Y/n, this is Yuno, your new little brother," Her mother Ciel said with a smile on her face.

Y/n approaches them with a smile on her face as she knelt next to the bed.

"Can I hold him?" Y/n asked as her eyes shone like stars, which caught the attention of Zenon, who was in the room watching them.

"Of course dear, hold him very well ok? we don't wanna drop him" Ciel said with a slight giggle, as she gently gives Yuno to his older sister.

"He's so light!"

"He's still an infant, Y/n, he'll grow heavier," Loyce said as he sat on the chair near the bed.

Y/n looked at her little brother, the shine in her eyes growing as Yuno reaches up for her face, and her smile grew as well (Imagine the shine in her eyes like the stars in Ai's eyes from oshi no ko :>).

"Look, Mom!" Y/n said as she looked back at her mother, smiling brightly as she shows Yuno trying to reach for his sister's face.

"He already loves you" Ciel giggled as she watched the two interact.

"Oh! I nearly forgot about my studies!" Y/n said and perked up "Here's Yuno's mother, I need to go study!" She gently gives Yuno back to Ciel as she starts leaving the room.

"Don't overwork yourself ok!" Her father yelled from the room, not noticing that Zenon was following right behind her.


"Zenon? What are you doing here?" She said as she looked up at him with a confused face she saw Zenon standing by her as she studies something in the castle Library

"His Royal Highness hasn't released me from escorting you, as long as he doesn't say a word I shall do as he says" This kinda surprised her but she just shrugged it off and went back to studying.

But the truth was, Zenon had gotten interested in her after seeing how much her eyes shone with stars in them, it was as if those eyes held a universe that was untold in them.

But who knows?

Maybe those stars won't shine forever.

-End of a chapter-


A/n: FIRST CHAPTER TO BE REWRITTEN AND I'M GLAD I DIDN'T GET STUCK ON A WRITERS BLOCK HERE- I'll also rewrite the next one later since it's midnight and I need sleep🧍so good night ppl and sleep well :))

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