|𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒|

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A/n: this is a bit of a crack fic chapter cus I was bored to do the actual arc :/ but I WILL work hard on the other arcs -the elf arc bc I hate doing it- its too long and stuff so yeeeeeeeee


Whilst exiting the castle, Y/n and Hugo noticed the explosion in the main capital, which made the two sigh, while working at the border many people would try to break in with violence.

"Should we help them, or?" Hugo said sweatdropping.

"Nah, it's not like they're gonna lose an arm or something." She said and continued walking.

"But we should get back to the base in case someone is trying to break in again" She added and Hugo nodded and followed behind her, kinda concerned as if she just jinxed something.

"Yes ma'am, shall I contact someone with spatial magic to teleport us back to base?" Hugo asked and she nodded as they stopped, Hugo doing a little trick to send a message to the base to bring them back.

"Looks like it's getting a bit too 'heated', get what I mean?" Hugo laughed as he pointed to the buildings that were catching on fire.

"Haha, very funny Hugo" She replied crossing her arms.

"but seriously though, ya think they'll do this?" Hugo said sweatdropping a little as Y/n nodded, then a spatial portal appeared before them showing one of the Association's spatial users.

"Right this way, Head Master," The spatial user said and the two nodded and headed in, not minding the absolute chaos happening, they're just used to it.


"Welcome back Head Master! how did that meeting with Julius go?" Frieda Albrecht, one of the advisors of the Association and is a foreign mage who Y/n recruited.

"Hey Frieda, it's just some gathering after the decoration ceremony, nothing special" Y/n sat down and sighed, resting her feet on the footstool.

"Yeah, the capital just got attacked, nothing special at all"

"The capital got attacked? that's a first" Frieda said as she sipped some tea.

"To be honest, I'm sure they'll handle it, like, what's gonna happen? get their limbs chopped off?" Hugo and Frieda looked at her with concerned looks on their face.

"She's jinxing it"


The two looked at each other and sighed.

And then an alarm rang throughout the room.

"Hm? Someone is requesting entry?" Frieda said as they all stood up, and headed for the docks by the border.

"Woah! it's a ship!" Frieda said excitedly as they see a massive ship waiting behind the magic 🤔barrier.

"From spade kingdom?" Hugo said and Y/n nodded, as she walked toward the edge of the balcony.

"The ship looks familiar..." Frieda says while her chin resting between her thumb and pointer finger.

"It belongs to a noble family in the Spade Kingdom, but ever since it got taken over no one was able to leave nor enter, but looks like whoever is on this ship is lucky" She turned her back, leaving the balcony as the two looked at her.

"Come, let us welcome them," She said, a small grin on her face as the two nodded and followed behind, not knowing of the events that are about to happen next...





-end of chapter-


a/n: omg the amount oof laziness I have is just not working for me, but I'll be working on the other chapter so yeeee bai

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