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"Everyone! Clean up the base and make it presentable in 5 minutes!" Y/n yelled catching everyone's attention, they immediately act and started moving.

Hugo and Frieda look at each other, kinda confused as to why Y/n was acting like this but they decided to not ask cause it might irritate her.

And they head outside and hurry to the docks, as to see the people from the other kingdom.

"Let them in!" Y/n yelled once again, the mages opening the magic barrier as the ship goes through, heading towards the docks as they lower their anchor and put up their bridge.

She sees people wearing thick coats, of course since Spade kingdom was a snow blizzard so she ordered some mages to prepare hot tea for these people.

A mage got on the ship and helped the first person off, she wore a white thick coat and she was very pale.

"Take them to the guest house, I'll talk to this one," Y/n said and the Frieda nodded and helped the others get off, as Y/n and Hugo took the girl in the white coat to the base.




Y/n gave her some tea "Thank you.." she shivered, drinking the tea as she sat down on one of the couches of the base as Hugo and Y/n sat down as well.

"What's your name?" Y/n asked.

"Anne.." The white-coated girl said.

"Well Anne, where are you from?" Y/n said in a more comforting tone so as to not scare the younger girl.

"S-Spade kingdom... the m-main capital" Anne replied as she gripped onto her coat trying to keep warm.

"Main Capital? that's heavily guarded by the mages that are loyal to the Zogratis siblings, I'm surprised you managed to escape," Hugo said as he crossed his arms and stared at the shivering girl.

"T-The guards weren't guarding the docks.. we managed to take a ship and escape..." Anne said as Y/n put more tea into her cup.

"You are aware that you have taken a ship that belonged to the royal family, are you?" Anne's eyes widened as she heard Y/n speak, her lips quivering as she tried to speak.

"I-I didn't know! we just got i-into an empty ship..." Anne's thoughts were filled with confusion and fear, as she thought that maybe the royals were gonna use that boat to escape the kingdom.

"It's alright, I'm sure the ruling king and queen consort will be glad to have their people escape that hell," Y/n put down her teacup and looked Anne straight in the eye, making the younger girl sweatdrop a bit.

"But I have a question for you, did you or any other people get any word from the King and Queen?" Her tone was serious as well as her face, she wanted to know if her parents were still alive, and she wanted to know if they are safe and sound.

"Sadly no... that's why all of the citizens are worried since none of the Royal family were to be seen, even the princess!" Anne started to shake as she was also worried that the royal family might've been killed in the attack.

"Don't worry" Y/n spoke as she stood up and extended her arm towards the other girl.

"The princess is still alive, and she's gonna help you get your home back" Y/n's eyes shone, Anne could see the dedication, that same sparkle, and tone of the princess when she first met her when she was younger...


Anne was a noble, a weak one to be exact, she was bullied all the time because she had weak magic and she didn't know how to control it.

She was walking around the capital when a bunch of noble boys her age started picking on her again, throwing insults at her, hurting her, you choose.

"Oi! What do you think you're doing?!" A voice caught their attention, that made the young noble boys tremble in fear.

"I-It's the princess! run!" The young boys started scurrying away as the princess started to near.

She saw Anne who was crying with dirt and bruises on her face, she crouched down to Anne's level.

"You shouldn't let boys do that to you, here," The princess gave Anne a handkerchief to wipe her face.

"T-Thank you, princess- uhm.." Anne mentally facepalmed herself for not remembering the name of the princess.

"Y/n, no need for formalities ok?" Y/n helped Anne fix up, she doesn't wanna leave a young girl like that on the streets so she helped her up.

"What's your name?" Y/n asked.

"A-Anne... Anne Cecil!" Anne replied as Y/n smiled.

"Let's get you back to your home, your parents might get worried," Y/n said and gently held Anne's hand as she helped her get back to her manor.

It was a silent walk, Anne didn't know why the princess herself was there to help her, she was weak and couldn't control her own magic, why would she help her?

"W-Why did you help me?..." Anne mumbled as Y/n glanced at her.

"Girls shouldn't be treated like that, even if they're weak, especially young," Y/n said as Anne looked at her confused.

"Hey, when we grow up, you better show me that you've gotten stronger, you'll make a great royal advisor!" Y/n said and put up a smile on her face as Anne blushed.

"w-what?" Anne stuttered out.

"Your my friend now! so we can get stronger and we can prove to those mean guys that we girls are stronger than them!" Y/n said as they stopped walking and put her fist up.

Anne looked at Y/n in shock, this is the first time she was ever told this, cause her mother keeps telling her that girls weren't meant to be served but to serve.

"And when I become queen, I'll choose you as my royal advisor! so Anne, when we grow up, let's become strong together!"

Her eyes sparkled, the sparkle in her eyes looked like stars, her tone showed dedication, as well as her face as she smiled as she raised her hand for a high five, as Anne stared at her with a blush on her face before a smile crept onto her face.

"Yeah, let's be strong!" Before giving Y/n a high five.

-End of Flashback-

'She hasn't changed a bit..' Anne thought as a smile grew on her face as she nodded.

"Yeah, let's take my home back," She said and shook Y/n's hand.





End of a Chapter

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