| 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑 |

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| Present time |

The sun rays its light in the partially open curtains, as it shone on the sleeping figure.

"Yawn Morning already..." Y/n rubbed her eyes as she got up from her bed, heading to the bathroom to get ready and start her day.





She exited her room and went down, to see her members all around the base laughing and talking as they greeted their Grand Master, who is Y/n.

"Took you long enough, the Wizard king sent a letter requesting your presence at the castle again" Hugo, Y/n's demon who she hosts and her childhood friend.

"Again? What does he need this time" She walked towards Hugo as he leads her outside to the broom rack.

"Meeting, as always" She sighed as she got on a broom and levitated it.

"About what exactly?"  She asked as they both flew, while they had their usual conversation about things.

"I heard that the Zogratis siblings are plotting a new plan" This caught her attention, as she listened to what Hugo had to say.

"Plotting what?" She asked as her curiosity rose by the second.

"About opening the gate to the underworld, but it's from a report so I'm not that sure if it's correct or not" Concern grew as she listens, were they planning a mission that'll cause destruction to fall upon all kingdoms? if so, she'll need to keep an eye on them.

"We should keep an eye on them, if they were to be successful it could lead chaos to in the world," She said as they start approaching the palace.

"I'll tell them, but for now focus on the current situation on hand" They arrive at the entrance and got off their brooms.

"We're here" They set foot in the Castle and were greeted by one of the wizard king's advisors, who said that they will be led to a gathering in one of the castle towers.

"What is the purpose of us coming here if it's just some party with no use?" Y/n crossed her arms as they walked.

"It's just some appreciation thing if you want we could leave early," Hugo said, he was one of the only people who knew how she acted and how to do some excuses to make sure she doesn't all of a sudden lash out.

"Right this way, Ms. Y/n, and Mr. Hugo" The Advisor led them and opened the door, to reveal the numerous magic knight Captains and their members, eating and talking.

"Just this? god..." She sighed and headed over to one of the more empty tables and sat down.

"Don't be like that Y/n, and go eat, you haven't had your food yet" Hugo said and took a seat next to her, enjoying the pudding he was eating.

"I'm not hungry"

"Don't lie" He said and passed over some food to her.

"At least eat a bit," Giving her some tea and pudding.

She sighs and eats some pudding, and she kinda liked it so she's eating some more which didn't surprise Hugo at all, he knew how to make her eat and yes it always worked.

"I heard the Golden Dawn has a good newbie in their hands, heard he has a 4 leaf grimoire" Y/n turned to him, curious about the newbie Hugo was mentioning.

"What newbie?" She said as she eats another piece of pudding.

"I heard that he's got strong mana, wind magic, and I think a wind spirit," This caught her attention, so she drinks some tea.

"Really? That seems nice," She said and got another plate of pudding.

"Heard that he's hella strong, and can you believe that he was from the bonnies? like I mean, you're from a royal family and I'm one of the strong demons from the underworld," Hugo said whispering the last parts making her chuckle a bit.

"Well of course I'm still stronger than him, right?" She said jokingly as she puts her fork down.

"By all means, yeah" The two were talking when all of a sudden, a commotion started.

"You also have a peasant in your squad. The peasant who's forgotten his place since everyone keeps fawning over him, because of the four-leaf grimoire he has" A certain vermillion-haired teenager said, was that the newbie from Golden Dawn that Hugo was mentioning?

"I could've handled capturing that dungeon even better" Everyone stared at him, what was this guy on about? Y/n thought as she watched the scene unfold.

"That's quite confident, crimson brat. It's not like we expect anything from that peasant. We are the ones who embody Lord Vangeance and the Golden Dawn's Ideals" a man named Alecdora said, this guy really had something for their captain huh?

"W-With all due respect-"

"That goes for you as well, Klaus. Aren't you ashamed of being here with your lack of skill?" The two Grand Masters sip their tea as they watch the scene unfold.

"And Mimosa! I heard that you were wounded early on in the mission and left the front line, to think that you're royalty of the Vermillion line is laughable" Now that made Y/n put down her cup, was he speaking so rudely of a Vermillion all because she was wounded early? she was inexperienced in these, how could he be so cruel to such young girls?

Y/n stood up, catching the attention of most people in the room as she nears Alecdora.

All of a sudden, she grabbed his hair and made him kneel on the ground with a dark look on her face.

"You dare speak so rudely to someone of higher status than you? especially a teenage girl who is inexperienced in such battles? you already bring shame to your house and Golden Dawn itself" Her tone was harsh, as people stared at her in shock, who was she? they thought.

"Who are yo-"

"Y/n, a person who is definitely of much higher status than the likes of you" She harshly let go of him and looked back at Hugo.

"Hugo, let's go," She said as she walked toward the exit, she was using her serious tone so Hugo now knew how to address her at times like this.

"Yes, Grand Master," Hugo said fixing up his posture, and followed as everyone stared at her in shock.

To every Magic Knight, the title Grand Master was a role that is only given to some knights who are only worthy, of it, only in a hundred years did someone earn that title, and there they were actually in the presence of one this whole time.

Now they knew to be careful when around her, one word and they'll be sure to be fired.

-End of a chapter-

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