Thank goodness

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I woke up next morning with a misery. I just held on to Fara like he was my life. Right now I felt like he was. "The man will be here in a moment"He whispered into my hair. Father said I need to put on my most Gondorian dress so I did. (Pic). I hate it. It's too puff. Then a rohirric carriage pulled in our yard. So I'm going to Rohan. I turned around I couldn't look who it was. Fara took my shoulders. "This was not a pleasant thing but you can say we got a pleasant surprise. "Faramir of Gondor"the mans happy voice said. Faramir went to the man. I knew the embraced. "Sonja come here"i took my bag and did. "Sonja if Gondor"the man bowed. He lifted his head and the features were so familiar. "I am Éomer son of Éomund. We have met"he told his voice softer. "Éomer"I sighed happily. "Are you to be wed with me?"I asked he nodded. I hugged him quickly. "At least is was someone I know"I sighed. Then was time to leave. I hugged Fara for dear life again. "Send me letters"I whispered. "Stay safe sister"he said back kissing my brow. I went in the carriage waving for Fara till I couldn't see him. Tears clouded my vision as I sat down. Éomer was in front of me. He gently took my hand. "If I for my life can take care of you and somehow make you happy I will"he said softly. I smiled at him. I jumped next to him. Resting my head on his shoulder. "Thank you"I whispered. He slowly put his arm around me. I smiled at him. He was a fierce hard headed warrior. But he had the gentle and soft side. I sobbed a little hugging his side. I knew I am luckh but I need my brothers no matter what.

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