Deb x Wes- Attacked Pt 1

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*Thank you so much @Rockythewolf588 for the idea!* There will be a part 2 shortly!

Deb's POV:

I walk around the halls at work, finishing up my shift, going about my regular daily tasks when I hear Nelson call my name from behind. "Hm?" I turn around to face him. "What's wrong?" He sighs. "I need you to check on the patient in the room at the end of the hall... No one else is currently available to do so. They need medication," he pauses to hold up a bag of the medicine the patient needs, "as well as an over all check up." I nod to start with, not wanting to upset him until it hits me what patient he was talking about. "Reginald Baker?" He nods. "Alright.." I try not to let my fear show. This was a very violent and currently rather unstable individual and typically multiple people have to go in together, but clearly I was the only one available. "I need to go. Please be careful in there and call out if there's any problems, D."
"I will." I say as I am handed the bag of medication. "Right then, head off. I need to get back to my office." I give a quick nod and make my way to the room.

Outside the room I try to steady myself by taking a few deep breaths. I gather my courage and give a gentle knock on the door as I open it. Reginald, who was standing by the window on the other side of the room quickly snaps his attention towards me giving a very odd smile. I close over the door slightly as it was a habit of mine but not shutting it all the way just in case something happens.

"Good evening, Mr. Baker." I force a smile to try and hide the fear that still lingered. He tilts his head to the side, looking me up and down as I move more into the room, standing near the side of the bed, facing him.

"So how are you feeling this evening?" He says nothing. Just continues staring at me. "Mr. Baker? I cannot help you if you don't talk to me." He never makes things easy...

Looking down at my clipboard, I open my mouth to begin speaking again when I am tackled to the floor, which causes me to hit the back of my head hard against the metal of the bed. I let out a small yell as I fall. Immediately a throbbing headache begins in my head, the pain making it difficult to think properly and before I can comprehend anything else, Reginald has pounced on me to continue his attack. I let out a scream as he starts kneeing my stomach and punching me, which alerts staff nearby, who rush into the room and quickly begin pulling him off me. I manage to make out Nelson kneeling down in front of me.

"So, that talk of be careful... Do you ever listen?" He chuckles, trying to lighten the mood for me. "Heh.." is all I can get out. I reach my hand to the back of my head, pulling it away to see just a small amount of blood. I glance at Nelson, finally allowing fear to show through a little. "It's alright, we'll get to checked out, you'll be okay." He sits me up and pats my shoulder gently.

"I'll go and get Wes to sit with you." He moves to stand but I grab his arm. I shake my head, "don't..."
"Don't what?"
"Don't tell Wes.." Nelson furrows his brow at my words. "Why not? He's going to want to know, he's going to want to take care of you."
"You know what he's like..." I pause as I attempt to adjust my position to be more comfortable. "He'll panic and overstress about it. He doesn't need that on top of everything else he's already worrying about." He grumbles slightly. "D..."
"I mean it. I don't want him worrying or stressing himself out." Nelson sighs, "alright, fine... You still need to get checked out at least."
"I will"

Nelson helps me stand, allowing me to hold onto him for support as we walk. Feeling a little dizzy, I take slow, careful steps.

Unfortunately for me, Wesley was in the hall right where we were heading. He turns his attention to us, and I move off of Nelson, doing my best to balance on my own but very clearly a little unsteady. "D?" He calls out, concerned already as he walks over to us. "What's wrong?"
"Don't lie to me."
Nelson goes to start speaking but I glare at him. I really didn't want to worry Wes.

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