Autumn x Nelson- Difficult Week and Difficult Parents pt 2

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Thank you Rockythewolf588 for the request. So sorry that it has taken me this long to complete it but I do hope you enjoy.

Autumn's POV:

I've been staying with Nelson for just under a month now and every moment has been amazing. We've worked out a schedule for chores, showering and when we eat our meals. Everything has been going pretty smoothly and he has been so kind and supportive every day.

Things at work have begun improving as well. Only 2 patient deaths since I've moved in with Nelson. Compared to past records, this is a significant improvement.

I'm sat at my desk working on filling out Nelson's schedule for him. Test dates, meetings, visiting days, etc. When I hear an expletive shouted out by a man.. I stand and move to the door of my office to listen closer. "HOW DARE YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST WALTZ IN HERE!!" My stomach flips upon realising that it's Nelson's voice I'm hearing. "YOU DON'T DESERVE HER!" Her? I feel myself begin to tremble. Nelson can be scary at the best of times but hearing him yell is a whole other level of terrifying.

"She is our daughter! Autumn is to see us. NOW!" Me? I feel the lump form in my throat, and the tears begin to well up in my eyes.

I continue listening closely, trying not to break down, as I hear Nelson call for security right before there's a knock at my office door. I open it, revealing Wesley. "Sir." I give a small bow of my head. "H-how can I help you?" I gulp back the lump in my throat. I feel his eyes on me as he scans my face, furrowing his brow before his face softens. I spot him looking further into my office so I move aside to allow him in. I close over the door, hands trembling as I turn the handle.

"You heard. Didn't you?" I go to act like I don't know what he's talking about when a tear begins rolling down my cheek. "Oh Autumn..." Wes walks closer, softly rubbing my shoulder. "Had a feeling you would've heard. But you don't need to worry about a thing, okay? Nelson had them dealt with. They're gone and you're safe." I nod, looking at my shoes to avoid eye contact. "Nelson would like to see you when you have a moment. But take a few minutes to collect yourself first."
"Yes sir..." Wes then heads towards the door again, walking out.

I take a couple of minutes to collect myself and breathe before grabbing my planner, notebook and a pen then head out towards Nelson's office, where he spends the majority of his time.

Before I can knock on the door I notice Nelson coming up the stairs with a mug of what I could only assume to be coffee going by his preference for the stuff over anything else while at work. He looks over at me, jaw clenched tight, eyebrows furrowing. My stomach drops, breath picking up as I feel my heart begin to race. Had I done something? Was he mad at me because of my parents? Was I going to get fired? A million thoughts race as he steps closer, each step making my body tense, wishing I could run. Nelson's anger was something nobody ever wanted to experience...

He was silent as he walked by me and opened the door to his office, ushering me inside before closing it behind us. He took a seat at his desk, pointing to a chair on the other side for me to sit down. "Miss Hill. Thank you for meeting with me. I'm glad Wesley remembered to tell you." I bow my head slightly, trying to keep my breathing even. "Of course, Sir."

"I'm certain you're wanting to know why, exactly, I have called you here. Correct?" I nod, untrusting of my own voice at the moment. "Well, your parents decided to..." He pauses, thinking over his words, "pay a visit..." Each word is coated with a venomous tone as he speaks.

I knew it. This is where he lets me go and tells me I'm no longer welcome at the company due to their behaviour.

"I heard, Sir. I'm so extremely sorry for their behaviour and I'll do everything in my power so it doesn't happen again. Please forgive me."
"Forgive you? YOU?" He sounds taken aback by my words. Did I make it worse? "Miss Hill... I assure you, I am not wanting any apologies or promises from you. It was your parents' actions, and you, my dear assistant, have done nothing wrong." I pause, not knowing how to react. "But...They.." Nelson swiftly cuts me off, "THEY acted that way, yes. However, they are not you. I did not call this meeting to get mad at you." I lift my eyes from the desk to meet his own. He takes this as a request to go on, "I asked to meet with you as I wanted to let you know, Wesley and I have talked about pressing charges."
"Not only did they come in here, trespassing is what I'd call it, onto our property and refusing to leave without being dragged off, but I was also physically assaulted."
"I didn't know that! How did I not hear..."
"It is why I became so angry." A tear slips from my eye, realising that's why he had cussed earlier on before yelling at them. "I'm so sorry, Sir..." I half-whisper, after finally taking a proper glance at his face, noticing the mark that has formed on his right cheek. I catch him shaking his head as he stands. I cower, wishing I could just disappear.

Nelson moves beside me and stretches his hand out to get me to look at him, "Autumn..." I feel his thumb trace over my cheek. "It wasn't your fault, and you don't need to apologise for their actions." I watch as his once anger-filled expression and tightened jaw softens to one of kindness and care. While we have spoke about having them charged, I wanted your input first. They're your family, so if you wish us not to, we shall drop it." I think for a minute, was I really going to let this happen to them?

Nelson waits patiently as I think things over in my head. Eventually, I decide. "They deserve it. You were attacked... Do what you feel needs to be done." He gives a questioning look, wanting to make sure I meant it but accepting it when I stare straight back into his eyes. After years of their nonsense, it was right someone finally dealt with them. "Very well then. Thank you. I'll speak with Wesley and let him know." He looks at me once more, "remember, we don't blame you. Come up here if ever you need a break from the busyness of downstairs."
"Thank you, Sir." I say, as I get up, ready to get back to my work. Nelson gives me a half-smile before turning and leaving. I follow, closing the door and heading off in the other direction, back downstairs. Quickly being caught back up in the work again and diving head first into the tasks at hand, feeling confident that Syntec is where I'm happy to be.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2023 ⏰

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