Chapter 24: now it's just me, my fate and i

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Throughout the entire drive from Washington DC to New Jersey, Hyunjae had been unable to even fall into the faintest of slumbers, although the quietude was auspicious for some rest with its secure aura. However, it was needless to say that sleep never came easy for her. Hence she simply did what any child would do during a long car drive.

Hyunjae stared out the window with mindless thoughts of trivial tones polluting her mind. Her absent pupils would track the flowing strokes of the scenery, her arm still resting by the side of the thick glass. No conversation had been restarted since Steve was carefully driving, Natasha decided to remain silent, and Hyunjae was avoiding any interaction.

The viridian and warm brown splattered her vision with a crawling foreboding; it was slithering around the last bits of serenity she had been holding onto, in vain. She could not get rid of it, this haunting sensation that something bad was about to happen, inevitable; it could only feed her nervousness and push her to grow restless, until even a nap couldn't be an option anymore.

Even though she cruelly needed to let her mind sail through the surface of the dreamy water in a lone barque, like the way her gaze took the sea in the depths of the forest which encased the road, there was simply no way for her to close her eyes, doze off, and release all tension accumulated within the muscles of her body. She couldn't, not with this nagging feeling.

And just as the ominous forest thickened before they reached an unwell-preserved road of New Jersey, the sensation abruptly fell into the pit of her chest to install an anxiousness devouring her calmness. Her leg began to bounce as her fingers apprehensively poked her thighs, her eyes becoming shaky with an elusively frantic motion.

Something was off when Steve stopped and turned off the engine in front of an abandoned area, a mere fence setting the borders between the fog and the truth. Something was off when all three of them got out of the vehicle, Hyunjae feeling the bottom of her mind tickle her nerves and whisper undecipherable gusts. Something felt so horribly off.

But Hyunjae couldn't pinpoint why or what; she could perceive no emotion whatsoever around them, except the faint tunes of Steve's nostalgia and Natasha's confusion. Her eyes were bright of azure in search of a hint, though she still wasn't lucid enough to comprehend her role in this very place. She had lost the string of logic since the hospital.

Her mind didn't seem keen on letting her fully comprehend the situation she had been trapped in. And her heart, it was pulsating with such high and sharp altos that it was all she could truly focus on, this beat of hers, this frequency influenced by a bad omen. So her vision perceived the fog once more; it had only been metaphorical till that very point.

"This is it." Steve declared, approaching the fence in a form of a paradox where leisure was paired with dread.

"The file came from these coordinates." Natasha added, joining the blonde with Hyunjae right on her heels.

"So did I." He told them. His gaze absentmindedly lingered here and there, on small details which had faded away because of the traitor that is Time, on overgrown proofs of how merciless Chronos was with its bittersweet remembrances.

Camp Lehigh, Hyunjae could read on the sign as she pocketed her hands before looking around. It was at that moment, since her mind so adored distractions from the awful reality, that she began to imagine what the camp would have looked like if she hadn't destroyed it years ago. Because, yes, she had visited the quarter as an enemy during the gone era of her existence.

And Wuxing was probably the reason why this once lively area was now a deserted land.

Much to her dismay and against her very will, the stream of flashbacks which hurled from the bottom of her mind forced her to reminisce about what had once been a bloody mission, in a lifetime where she was a machine strictly made to obey and execute perfection. She watched the vermilion she had dove her hands into, the inferno she had instigated to set terror ablaze.

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