Chapter 22: betrayal has never tasted so sweet, oh yeah!

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Hyunjae just wanted to sleep.

She hadn't had a restful dreamless dream in ages. She longed for some rest her restlessness wouldn't grant her for anything, and she had bargained for it against chamomile and even breathing exercises to control the inner hurricane from storming in her unconsciousness to destroy everything, to establish nightmares. But to no avail.

Instead, Hyunjae got hauled in another one of those messes able to make anyone roll their eyes out of exhaustion. Two years prior had been the invasion of some aliens led by a maniac god. And that day was a microscopic elevator with a dozen of SHIELD and STRIKE agents finally betraying her. Oh, and of course it wouldn't be fun if Captain America wasn't along for the ride.

He was taking three seats on his own. That damn Super Soldier son of a gun...
And he had to talk too!

Which was the reason why, abruptly, the tense atmosphere transformed into a gang up against two enhanced individuals. Wow. Fantastic.

Shin got punched in the jaw whilst an agent took out his electric rod to shock Steve. Those assholes threw the two of them against opposite walls and strapped magnetic handcuffs around their wrists. And yes, it's the very antonym of kinky— first of these were men and ew! I don't want to think about it. And second there was clearly no consent on the soldier and combatant's side!

Don't ask me why suddenly I feel like humoring this book, I don't know. I just felt like it. But anygays! Back to the boring fight.

It would be nice if they didn't electrocute her, right? Hah! They did. And she groaned in annoyance whilst rolling her eyes, then fully conscious and awake and ready to whip some ass. The widow bites Romanoff would send at her during her training had gotten her used to the sting and jolt traveling all throughout her body. They should have gone for the head.

Because, the next thing they knew, the magnetic handcuffs were melting and her arms were flames. They jumped back in sheer fear of being burned without a second thought. Albeit there wasn't much space in this small elevator, it was then plenty of room for Shin to finally deploy her techniques. Thus she easily spin kicked two in the head which was used as a disturbance.

She took the chance to unhook her sheath and hit every single pressure point of a few opponents' bodies to make them fall unconscious. She kicked the others, fully knowing that they were going to bump into Rogers' assailants— Rogers who was still cornered and receiving a shock until her intervention. The commotion left time for him to retaliate like nothing hurted.

He elbowed one to punch another and then kicked the asshole in front of him for Shin to sharply smash the side of his head with her sheath. The glass of the elevator cracked twice with all the hits and blows of the two coordinated fighters. They seemed to be winning though one of the traitors managed to kick Rogers' cuffed wrist; his limb got attached to the wall.

Shin was dodging everything even if two were trying to strike at least one poor punch, throwing their bodies in like there was no tomorrow. But again she was too agile for them to even graze her skin. With her scabbard, she blocked their swings and pushed them away. Using the free space, she spun and back kicked one of them into Rumlow as he lost a hold of his electric rod.

Fuck, this fight is making my fingers sweat.

Shin seized the other's arm, pushed her forearm against his throat, and slammed him against the wall. With her eyes shining in bright honed azure, it didn't take her a second to locate the last ones standing; she simply threw the assole's limp frame onto another and tackled them with a monstrous force. Both slumped unconscious on the floor whilst Rogers knocked out the rest.

It was funny how much they focused on him as if Wuxing wasn't just standing right there, taking them out one by one without much difficulty. Underestimating women once more they were. Tsk tsk. The Super Soldier didn't need much help though the damages were far less consequent with the two teaming up. They were standing above the laying blacked out traitors.

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