Chapter 21: the ominous darkness is casting its abyss on me again

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Hyunjae always feared to be snatched away from the faint ticklish sun rays in the newfound current. It was odd, to have discovered that sane equanimity in those swaying waves just to be caught in the swirls of terror again. And thereby to sink and sink and drown once more, like nothing had changed. Like everything was still nothing. Like everything hadn't changed. It was still all dark.

The darkness.

It's different from the shadows, because even the shadows are born from Helios' arrows darting at one side of a farmhouse in a serene lea, whereas darkness is simply the absence of any source to illuminate even the most mournful days. Hyunjae was the mournful day and Natasha was the daylight illumining her. But she would never know. No words would ever be enough.

Why was she keeping her away then? Will you ask me. And, well, the answer is simple.

Sun and Earth, Sun and the farmhouse lost in a serene lea, how far apart are they? How many light years separating one world which craved warmth and another one providing the sought warmth? So, even from a billion light years, even if Hyunjae was caught in a maze of fogs, until the Universe fell apart and until forever jealoused them, Natasha would always be her light.

She didn't want to fly too close to the Sun, but she simply didn't know she was just like Icarus.

It was just too nice to be embraced to feel warmer and safer and loved. Too nice for Hyunjae who was the epitome of what was and would be nadir whilst Natasha was everything and all which was acme in this damned existence. She was this saccharine dream anybody wants to have forever. She was that acrid nightmare she kept having every single night without a single break.

Hence Hyunjae was scared of the darkness. Even then her consciousness was alert enough to fear those demons creeping on her; to fear them slithering around her limbs with their claws, to squeeze and squeeze and squeeze until they paralyzed her. Until all she could feel wasn't her breath or beating cage, but their weight pressing against the terror planted in her stomach.

And yet it didn't happen this time.

She woke up from a dreamless sleep in a dull place where the light had nothing of the sparkle or vividity in her viridescence. It was all so white and so empty though her heavy lids were barely fluttering open. But it all seemed like she was drowning again in this very same abyss with that sting and that familiar discomfort in the back of her head pushing her, further and further down.

Yet she felt the softness swaying her body in the wavelettes of awakening and the peaceful silence clouding the white room. She felt the weight of her burdensome body pulling her drained mind deeper, to heighten this sensation of solace wrapped in unfamiliarity with the lack of belonging. Her foggy pupils eventually stared in pure lucidity at this empty ceiling caging her.

Hyunjae breathed out a faint sigh as her lids closed for a second, and opened again, with her somber irises trailing up to meet her stiff concern.
"What happened?" Her hoarse voice vibrated like a rumble of the ocean. She straightened up the same time Natasha jerked closer to the gurney.

"Gas intoxication." She said in a haste, and immediately a horrible headache striked a punch to the inside of Hyunjae's skull, to pull a faint grimace on her face.

"How long?" She strained out while sitting up on the edge. It alerted the oldest who mentally jumped out of her seat and physically placed her hands on her shoulders to stop her.

"Hey, you're still on bed rest for two more days." Natasha spoke with the most gentle tone, and yet the youngest shuffled away from her palms. It paralyzed the oldest and froze her mind. Since when Hyunjae didn't accept her touch?

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