Act II: a shield wrapped around the world

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The drapes of the dawn light wrapped me in their cold warmth.
The masked traits, a promised soul, a better future
Had unfathomed my lost wonders in those chained arms.
The cold drapes wrapped around me like a shield of vulture.

They blurred my bright vision, gave me a tangled heart
That whistles goodness but is locked  in a cage.
Mirrors of the past and red gold gushes with hurt
Though this evil is good, to replace this old rage.

But there's the scarlet light, bright of bliss, through the daze;
Forest of jade, flares of hope, depth of the azure;
It's for love, it's for love, they whisper through my tear.

With its caring caress, my blur faded away.
The drapes of the dawn light wrapped me in their love warmth,
We can be free, here from now on, she says gently to me.



"I'd give up the whole damn Universe for you."

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