Chapter 18: cue the bittersweet revelations!

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"What do you know about the Mandarin?"

Hyunjae grimaced at his disgraceful tone before pulling her phone away from her bleeding ear.

All throughout her all so quiet and peaceful night, in the warmth of her sheets and surrounded by her plushies, it must have vibrated at least a dozen times. She had to mentally slap herself awake, force her arm out from the comfort of her bed, and check who was calling her at such an ungodly hour. She sighed, tired of his antics, before bringing her phone back to her ear.

Hyunjae sat up straight on her bed, her free hand rubbing the sleep out of her heavy eyes before she passed it through her messy hair.

"What?" She whispered groggily to him, glancing at the clock on the nightstand. 4am. Oh, she would gladly kill a duck to go back to rest. She had a little thought, wondering how she was able to sleep so peacefully all so suddenly, but Tony soonly dissipated it.

"I need you to give me info on that bastard." He spat out harshly, fueled by a resentment Hyunjae had never known him to have. His tone alarmed her so much, it fully awoke her; she snapped on her own two feet, as if a threat was peering from the corner of her room.

"Hey, hey, focus. Don't let your emotions overwhelm you." She urged him, her eyes aimlessly looking around.

On the other side of the line, Tony abruptly stilled at her words and considered them for an instant, before releasing a loud exhale, to calm his nerves. On this side of the line, Hyunjae suddenly stood frozen, her eyes as still as an antique black and white picture, fixating the very detail that was lying right in front of her. A detail that itched a deep and narrow corner of her brain.

She blinked, her brain unable to gather itself and form a coherent and logical thought.

"Natasha's sleeping on my couch." She told him, factually, bluntly. He raised his brow suggestively, surprised by the sudden switch of subject and by her suddenly blank tone; "I can't really talk right now... unless you want me to wake her up. That's... a risk. I can't take that risk."

How did she end up here?

Clearly, Hyunjae had almost no recollection of last night. She might have drunk a tiny little bit (a lot, considering she hardly ever got drunk).

"What, you both had a fight? Because that's usually how someone ends up on the couch. Been there, done that with Pepper."

It was half-hearted, Hyunjae could notice, and yet it was enough humor to make her roll her eyes and huff a scoff. She brought an arm to her chest as her deep irises fell on the redhead's features. Hyunjae's gaze softened. Serene. Natasha looked so peaceful, without any bad dreams, without any nightmares. When was the last time the both of them even had a night free of any inconvenience?

Certainly only the day when they were born.

Natasha... Natasha. How did she end up here? Yesterday... not a movie night. Not a late night talk. There was just SHIELD's anniversary... SHIELD's... anniversa...



Hyunjae froze again, her wide and motionless eyes stuck somewhere in space, in between disbelief and an odd air. It tasted oddly. There was a touch of adoration? She wouldn't be able to tell. It made her antsy. She didn't feel good- no, not really not good. Hyunjae didn't feel at ease. Her back felt like crawling and her head wasn't able to process any thought. Her chest? It felt tight. Too tight.

"C- Can you call later? Uh, well, is it something urgent?" She sputtered out, spinning around abruptly as her stiff back now faced the gorgeous redhead sleeping on her couch.

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