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Sister!OC x (platonically) Marcy

This is a requested story from Ashwing3433  Thanks again! Your OC is really cool, and your comments are always nice to see in my notifs

i added a few new parts :)


ALSO this is kind of a collection of oneshots, in a oneshot..

it's pretty angsty


"Marcy?" Allison ran out of the house to follow her twin, "MARCY?!" She saw her double in her peripheral and chased after her. "MARCY WAIT!"

Allison could hear her parents calling them both from the house, but she didn't care, she couldn't. Her top priority was finding Marcy.

what if she was taken?! or got lost?! or.. or.. A third bad thing?!

Eventually, she could hear sniffles around the corner. Marcy was leaning against a thrift shop window, wiping her tears.

"Marcy!" Allison ran up to her, wrapping her in a hug.

"did you know..?" She asked quietly.

Allison hesitated, but eventually nodded into her shoulder, "i overheard them talking a couple nights ago.."

"And you didn't tell me?!" Marcy lightly pushed her sister back. "Allison, we're going to be taken away from home! Our friends! Don't you care?!"

"Of course I care, Marcy!" Tears began slipping down their faces again, "But there's nothing we can really do.." Allison mumbled sadly. she crossed her arms over her chest, trying to hug herself and find some sense of comfort.

Marcy turned away from her sister, at the same time, something reflected the light and caught her eye. She looked up at a box, sitting on the top shelf. There was a golden frog, seeming to praise pink, blue, green, and yellow gems. She pulled out her phone, it was the same one from the book. She sent a pic to the group chat.

"You know what..? you're right.. we might as well have fun before we have to leave."

Allison pulled out her own phone and checked the  message before looking at the shelf behind her. She chuckled, "Anne's gonna hate that."


Allison, Marcy, and Sasha waited outside 'Thrift Stop,' the thrift shop.

Anne walked in cautiously. She made it to the shelf and whispered something to herself before looking back at the old lady working the register.

She was sleeping.

The only other person was an old man looking at shirts.

Anne grabbed the box and looked out the window. Sasha gave her two thumbs up and Marcy smiled.

Allison turned to her friends as Anne put the box in her backpack.

"uh, guys, is it really okay to steal that..?" she whispered with worry, although Anne was already walking to the door.

"Sis, you've gotta let loose!" Marcy rolled her eyes with a smile.

Sasha laughed, "see Nerd, even your sister's okay with taking the stupid box!"

Allison pursed her lips but nodded.


It was dark now, they had successfully stolen the music box.

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