Spades and buckets

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"Eh Thanks again for inviting us to the beach Bobby."
"Yeah thanks." Mort and I thanked Bob as we stood in a triangle. Mort and I as the base as Bob was the point.
"Don't mention it."
"It was honestly the kids idea in the first place. They wanted to play chicken fight and they needed a few extra people." Bob shrugged and started to help Linda Lay-out some towels and expand the parasol.

"Thank you Bobby!" She smiled and kissed Bobs cheek before turning to the kids who were already splashing about in the water.
"Kids! Do you have your sunscreen on?!" Linda shouted at the kids as they all responded with 'yes!'

"How about we get setup Ted." Mort suggested and I nodded helping him set our belongings out under a parasol.

"So what're you thinking of doing while we're on the beach? I know I'm staying under the shade, care to join me?" Mort laid down on his towel patting the space beside him as I awed a little.

"You know I'd love to Mort but er I'm scared I'd get too distracted and forget about Bobs BBQ, I don't want to miss his burgers!" I groaned tugging on the ends of my hat as Mort sighed resting his arms onto his chest crossing them over like he was a body in a casket.

"Sorry I'm such a distraction." He muttered disheartened.
"Mort you know I care about you more than burgers, it's just my belly talking because I haven't had any breakfast."
"Now all this eh food talk is making me more hungry, hey Bob! Is the grill set up yet?!" I yelled over to Bob as he grunted.
"Not yet Teddy! You'll know as soon as you start smelling my burgers!" Bob shouted back.
"Well be quick would yah!" I sighed sitting down next to Mort.

"Is this er spot taken?" I asked trying to be a little sultry.
"It is now." Mort hummed switching his glasses over to his prescribed sunglasses presumably so it'd be easier to take a nap.
"Oh come on Mort, Bobs gonna be a while! Be a dear and distract me for a minute!" I frowned looking down at him as he kept quiet for a moment before sighing.

"But I thought you didn't want distracted encase you miss out on Bobs burgers." Mort lifted his sunglasses a bit staring directly at me.
"Ehh Can't a man change his mind." I stated as Mort stared at me for a few seconds longer before lowering his sunglasses back in place.
"Come here then." He extended his arms up and I smile lying down wrapping my arms around his waist as his were around my neck.

"Thank you!" I smiled as Mort muttered a 'don't mention it.'

I pecked his lips and he lightened up a bit.

"And thank you!" He cooed kissing my cheek in return.

"Hey Mort, Teddy! Come play chicken fight with us!" Louise yelled over towards us. We sat up and looked over at the kids who were in the shallow end of the ocean.
"Yeah! Help us become mecha chickens!" Gene shouted raising his arms up while his hands were bawled into fists.

"You wanna?" I asked Mort as he shrugged getting up.
"Ehh why not!" He smiled and we walked over towards the kids and stepped into the ocean.
"So how're we doing this? Is Gene getting on my back or Eh-Oof!" Louise hopped on my back ringing her arm round my neck strangling me for a moment.

"Fine! Since you've claimed Teddy I'll claim Mort! He's way better and knows how to stab a bitch!" Gene huffed as he began to climb up Mort as Mort grunted and chuckled slightly.
"Actually Gene I- ow! I don't stab the bodies I scalpel them which I guess is a gentler version of stabbing." He hummed like he just came to an Epiphany.

"Enough chit-chat loyal stede! We must prepare for battle against sir lord lady ears!" Gene pointed towards Louise and I.
"Why am I called that? Why not something like the water ghost or shark fang! Y'know something cool like that!" Louise suggested.
"It just sounded fitting! Now attack!" Gene announced kicking the sides of Mort as mort let out a yelp.

"Take it easy kid I'm not as youthful as I used to be, even if I was I don't even think younger Mort would want to get kicked around."

"Yeah come on Gene, and since no ones taken this responsibility I'll be referee." Tina smiled getting in between us picking up an imaginary whistle since she doesn't have one on her.
"Alright! I want a nice clean fight, no funny business, kicking, clawing, punching, choking, etc! I just want to see you aggressively grabbing each other trying to push the other person off of your horses back!" Tina established the rules.

"If one of you however were to push your opponent off the winner will get two solid weeks off of cleaning duty in the restaurant! The loser however will just get normal cleaning duty-"

"Normal cleaning duty?! That's it?!" Louise complained as Tina sighed.

"You didn't let me finish! Not only will you have normal cleaning duty you'll also have to clean the restaurant's restroom!" Gene and Louise gasped in shock.
"You monster! Why must you bring that cursive thing into everything!" Gene groaned.
"I don't bring it into everything!" Tina whined as Louise scoffed.

"Yes you do Tina! It's like you don't like cleaning the restaurants bathroom! Do you not like it Huh?! Do you not like it?! Do you not like cleaning the bathroom Tina?! Do ya!" Louise started raising her voice getting into Tina's face as Tina panicked.

"Nyes! No! Yes! No! Ah! I don't know!" She tugged at her hair.

"I kind of like to do it, yes it is disgusting and half of the time I'm gagging because of the smell! But I mainly like to clean it so I know it's clean and so the customers aren't using a dirty bathroom! I just want the customers to be happy." Tina explained.

Mort and I awed.

"So.. you do or don't like cleaning the bathroom?" Gene asked as Tina groaned.

"Ugh! It doesn't matter! Let's just get this battle flowing." Tina chuckled to herself before blowing a raspberry.
"That was a whistle sound."

{Time Skip}

We all sat together on our own towels enjoying Bobs burgers. Each of us covered in sand from our feet to our hard to reach places.

In the chicken fight Louise and I had lost 2-3 to Gene and Mort.

Louise was annoyed at first but I think she might be okay now, she was just sitting tearing bits off her burger. I wonder if she always ate so aggressively.

I shrugged and just focused on eating my own burger.

Today had been nice so far just playing with the kids and relaxing with Mort and sharing some of Linda's secret beach wine, she kept in a small flask at the very bottom of the cooler.

Sitting here on my towel, burger in hand and just admiring the glacial sea and listening to the uproar of playful screams and hawking of seagulls.
I enjoyed every bit of it.
It didn't take much to impress me, I'm just happy to get out and spend company with the people I love and truly love.

"Hey Teddy! You okay?" I hummed turning my head to face Mort.
"I'm perfect." I smiled as he smiled back giving a half-assed laugh.
"I'm glad because for a minute there I thought you zoned out." He took my free hand giving it a gentle squeeze on the isle of sand.

I am so sorry I don't know how to end this so I'm just leaving it here!

Thank you for reading though! <3

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