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I didn't speak a word.
Neither did Mort.
I couldn't even see his face, it made me anxious. I felt as if I was sweating, shaking with rage and rapid heart palpitations. I wanted to turn round and apologise but I had already stood my ground, so I wasn't going back.

Mort and I fought all the time, it was never malicious or toxic it was just silly.

Silly, petty arguments.

I don't know why todays different. The atmosphere feels so unreal, so unbalanced. I couldn't help but tug at my shirts collar, it felt so tight, even with the beautiful view from the window. It didn't help change the outcome.

I frown, taking a glance back at Mort.

His back facing me, with crossed arms and what I can only imagine a scowl planted on his face. I gulp and turn back round, towards the window, towards my twiddling fingers.
This was torture.
How long were we gonna stand here like this.

I mentally groan and felt like looking at him again.

Till I heard him sigh.
"This is stupid.." he muttered.

I hum in response and turn round, I watched his foot tap off the floor before he left the room. If he had locks to run his fingers through he would've done so as he left. Maybe even slapping me in the face in the process. Slap some sense in me. Slap a little a encouragement in me.

I gulped.
Slowly following him as he wandered into the kitchen.

I tip toed close and poked my head in, watching as he slapped the coffee maker on. He rummaged through his cupboards for a cup and quickly slapped in underneath.

"Do you want one?" He asked softly as I grasped the edges of the door.

"Yes..please." I whispered back shuffling in like an anxious dog, tail tucked between my legs and leaned opposite counter from him.
It was quiet in the living room and it certainly wasn't any different here. As I watched Mort glaze the coffee maker with his eyes. I twiddled my thumbs awkwardly and hummed.

I opened my mouth to say something, anything but I just bit my lip.

What do you say in situations like these?
I'm sorry obviously but like- do you still say it even though you know your right? Cause it would be the more appropriate option, right?

Teddy took a deep breath in and opened his mouth speak.

"It's fine Teddy, let's just forget about it." Mort held up his hand before rummaging in the cupboards again for another cup. He began pouring them a cup of coffee.
"Are you sure? Cause I am sorry y'know." Teddy cooed as Mort nodded handing him his mug.
"Yep, let's just pass it as one of our petty arguments." He said taking a swig.
"It didn't feel like it though.." Teddy continued as Mort sighed.

"I know..I know but it's fine, so can't even remember what we were arguing over." He shrugged with a quiet 'so.'

I nodded and held my tongue, if I continued I'd probably just make it worse, so it was dubbed a petty argument. Big deal. Least it's over. So I'd hope.

So we just indulged in our afternoon coffee standing opposite counters apart as we enjoyed our coffee and the very sliver of small talk.

Lost motivation Tbf and I've found other interests😭🙏🏻

But y'know- here's this!

Bye for now! )

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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