First Date

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I stood staring at my reflection looking over my outfit. It was just a long sleeved yellow dress shirt with a white t-shirt underneath and some black pants.

I was feeling quite nervous for Mort and I's first date.

I've just been standing at the mirror  swamping up my pits with kitchen towel for the last five minutes all the while over thinking my outfit choice.

Was it fine for a first date?
Am I too dressed down or too dressed up?
Does it look like I made an effort at all?

I know I probably smell like the inside of Lush.

The first minute I dressed myself and dabbed on the cologne, I felt terrific looking in that mirror. Then the second minute passed and I was starting to doubt myself. Third minute passed and I was filling my shirt to the brim of kitchen towel because I didn't want to ruin my shirt with my nervous sweats. Forth minute passed I just found myself putting a furious amount of cologne on because I was worrying I was starting to stink because of the sweat. And now the fifth minute passed and I'm just standing here in front of the mirror with furrowed brows to an anxious look, I was as flammable as a gas tank and my heart was playing Beethovens 5th symphony.

What made matters worse was I was supposed to be picking Mort up at his house in the next 4 minutes.

I grumbled to myself tugging at my hat before making the quick decision of leaving. I made my way down and entered my van buckling myself up before turning on the ignition and driving off.

It wasn't a long drive there I was probably a couple minutes late.

I stepped out my hands strained to my sides like a stuffed toy tied to a trucks front. I timidly made my way forward to Morts door giving it a gentle knock before it swung open in an instant. My eyes shot open at how quick the door opened.

Mort stood clutching the handle, he seemed a little frazzled but as soon he looked up at me it's like his emotions done a 360 and he was completely fine.

"Teddy hi!" He smiled as I smiled back.

"Hey Mort! You ready?" I asked as he nodded his hand still clutching the handle as his knuckles were a pasty white colour.
"Would you uh like to hold my hand instead of the handle?" I jested a little but I think I only made him embarrassed-ish a bit. He apologised wiping his hands down the front of his pants as he kept his eyes towards the floor.

Watching him and thinking back to how I was acting a few minutes ago, I don't think either of us were ready nor mentally prepared for this date.

It sort of made me feel good in a way.
Like I'm not drowning in this sunken ship by myself.
I know he's as anxious as I am.
And that makes me smile.
Because we could probably help each other through-out this date.

I gently take his hands giving them a squeeze as he slowly tilts his head up to glance at me.

"Let's get these eh hands in the van." I moved Mort slowly towards myself as he followed suit and directed him over towards my van after locking up his home.

{Time Skip}

Mort and I sat down at our table.

The restaurant was lively and filled to capacity. It had a nice vibe to it and had a live piano player to add to the background.

"This place is so nice! Why'd you take me here of all places? If you don't mind me asking." Mort smiled as I shuffled my chair in a bit.
"Well to be honest I was supposed to be taking Kathleen here for our second date. I managed to book the restaurant a year in advance because it usually takes a while to get a reservation but our relationship started to get a bit rocky and then we started talking less and then we started seeing each other less and then not at all." I explained as Mort frowned humming lowly in response.

"So rather than cancelling the reservation I was just gonna go myself until we got together so I thought- what the heck! You deserve nice things, you deserve to go to nice places so I took you here!" I continued to explain myself as Morts face contorted between expressions.

He didn't know if he should smile or not.

It was like he was battling with his own face.
And losing.

"Aww?" he cooed confusedly as I picked up our menus passing him over one as I hid my blushing bashful face.

We looked through them for a bit before deciding on what we wanted and placed them down again. I felt as if my armpits were creating the Amazonian river. I was thinking over if telling Mort the truth was a good thing or not. Especially his reaction to it.

I feel like excusing myself to the bathroom but we only just got here and that would be considered rude right?

I mentally groaned and stressed where I sat till a waiter came by our table a few minutes after and took our orders and our menus before walking off to probably hand it to the chefs.

"I'm sure Kathleen would've loved this place, I'm sorry things didn't work out the way they were supposed to." Mort apologised averting his eyes from my direction.
"Eh it's fine! I have you now so that's all that matters!" I replied back catching him smirking as he cocked his hand down in a flapping motion letting himself giggle.

"You can be very sweet Teddy." He stated as I shrugged flashing a sheepish smile.

{Time skip}

I walked Mort to his door are hands intertwined with one another.

Tonight went well-ish.
It wasn't a total disaster or well it wasn't something I should've panicked about. And I think Mort picked up on that as well as he soon relaxed a bit during our meal.
We were both being silly over the whole thing.

"I really enjoyed myself tonight Teddy, thank you for taking me out." Mort smiled his back turned to the door as he swayed gently on the ball of his heels.
"I uh did too! And it's no problem I'd happily take you out again! And it doesn't have to be as fancy as the restaurant! I'll take you anywhere! Like the beach or maybe a park or-" I was cut off by Mort pinching my lips shut with a playful groan.

"I get it big guy!" He sighed and un-pinched my lips.

"Will I be seeing you for lunch tomorrow at Bobs?" Mort asked as I hummed giving myself a moment to 'think about it.
"You might just catch me in there!" I teased my smile extending into a smirk.

"Well I hope to catch you in there!" He smiled back as I rubbed the back of my neck.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow." I shrugged as Mort unlocked his door.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow too." He cooed as we both turned leaving each other, Mort entering his home as I entered my truck and drove myself home.

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