Francis the second

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I sighed laying down on my floral couch gazing up at the ceiling. I had a pretty busy day today, I had taken a few extra jobs to keep me occupied mainly from mind and my unwanted thoughts that should be confronted and addressed but no.

I didn't want to think of my beloved squished Guinea pig.

God damn it.

I huffed annoyedly and sat up fixing my hat in place and stood up.

What was there to do in my apartment?

I could cook? But that wouldn't go well.
I could clean? But there wasn't much to clean.
Maybe I could mend stuff that was in the storage room/dining room.

That usually keeps me busy and I could turn on the radio too.
Sounds like it's gonna be a good day.
A busy but good day.

I opened the door and Manoeuvred my way through grabbing the radio and gently placed a few things out of my way to the big table at the back.

Now what to start with?
I still have that three legged chair that could do with a forth leg then I'd have a place to sit in here and not strain my back.

Great idea Teddy!
I knew Bob was wrong about us!
Even though he doesn't really mean it even when he sounds like he does.

I placed the radio down pressing the on switch before picking up the chair turning it round onto the flat of it and began working on it.

{Time Skip}

A while past even though it only felt like a few minutes.

I had managed to give the chair a new leg and a new purpose and to give my back a rest after the leg was secure. I had went on to fix a couple other things like the waffle maker and a shelf to make some extra walking room.

Though after finishing I came to realise I hadn't taken care of any of my needs, my stomach was growling and my mouth was dryer than concrete on a sunny day.

I weaselled my way out the room and hopped on out making my way to the kitchen, soon stopping myself as I got in the door way I heard someone chapping my front door. I turned around and headed down the stairs to answer the door.

"Oh hey Mort!" I greeted through the jarred door opening it fully to be greeted with the rest of Mort.
"Hey Teddy!" He cooed back with his hands behind his back and a small carrier hidden away behind there too.

Very odd.

"So what brings you by my house?" I asked as Mort shuffled a little awkwardly.
"I uh- I actually have a present for you." He said bringing the carrier into view.
"Oh! That's so thoughtful of you! What is it?" I asked curiously inspecting the carrier as Mort smiled.

"Can you wait until we go upstairs?" He chuckled as I rushed him in shutting the door behind us as we doubled the stairs.

"Oh I'm so excited! Please show me! Please Mort!" I begged clasping my hands as I bent down on my knees.

"Alright alright! Jeez keep your hat on!" He placed the carrier down and knelt down as well opening the door to reveal what was inside it.

"I hope you like her! Bob, Linda and I felt bad about what happened to Francis so we thought we'd chip in and get you a new Francis! Well after your mourning period! How are you by the way? This isn't too sudden is it?" He asked as I just stared in awe at my new friend.

"Oh gosh Mort! This is best present anyone could've got me! Excusing the bookshelf I found off the street!" I exclaimed.
"You should really stop taking random furniture home with you." Mort frowned slightly as I watched my new Guinea pig creep out of its carrier.
"Oh it really does look like Francis! It has the same pattern she used to have before I spray painted her!" I laid down on my stomach gently kicking my legs up and down.

"Yeah you really shouldn't have done that either." Mort muttered as I kept watching the Guinea pig waddle around the new surroundings.

"Hey little miss, do you like your new home? I'll make sure it's extra cosy for yah! And you'll be treated like a princess and I'll make sure you're well fed!" I cooed wagging my finger towards her.
"What're you gonna name her?" Mort asked as I hummed thinking about it for a moment.

"I think I'll name her Francis the second, cause she looks so much like my old Francis." I glanced up at Mort who just gave me a gentle nod and a small 'alright."

"Francis the second it is!" He agreed and laid down on his stomach as well as we both made an effort to call Francis between us.

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