Naomi dematerializes her scythe before grabbing her manga and leaving the main tea house. She walks over to Takahashi's room and slides the door open, looking up to see Takahashi doing pull-ups.
"I'm hiding out in here." She states and slides the door shut, walking over to sit on his bed. Takahashi drops down off the bar and wipes the sweat off his forehead, asking
"What happened?" He sits at his desk, turning around in his chair to look at her. She sits her manga down and says
"Nikita was flirting with Kokoro. I don't want to sit there and listen to that. The room was getting all tense feeling. So, yeah. I'm staying in here with you." She lays on his bed and rolls up in the blanket. Takahashi smiles and thinks to himself.
'Well, I'm glad her brother showed up now. I don't have to worry about Kokoro anymore.'
He walks over to his bed and gently pats Naomi's head.
Nikita pulls Kokoro into his room and slides the door shut, pushing him against the wall. Kokoro blushes wildly and looks up at Nikita with wide eyes. Nikita leans in and kisses him deeply, wrapping his arms around the smaller man's waist. He pulls away and kisses down his neck, beginning to loosen his yukata. Kokoro gently pushes Nikita away, panting heavily.
"H-Hey, calm down a little... will ya? You will be here for a while right? There is no need to rush into anything." He asks and covers his face. Nikita raises an eyebrow and asks
"Who said I would be here for a while? I am literally a prince now. Why would I want to stay here?" Now it's Kokoro's turn to raise an eyebrow, asking.
"What are you talking about? How are you a prince?" Nikita replies
"Well, not technically a Prince. That is just what my associates call me." Kokoro gives him a deadpan look and processes what he said. Before giving him a shocked look.
"OHMYGRAPES!? You're part of the yakuza?! Kita-Kun... What happened? You can't be part of the yakuza. My mom won't let us date if-!" Kokoro shouts and begins to go on a tangent. Nikita covers his mouth and hushes him, whispering next to his ear.
"Calm down, you are being over dramatic. I only kill people that are supposed to be killed. I'm a grim reaper too remember? I dunno how you could forget. We literally dated when we were teenagers." He bites Kokoro's earlobe before pulling away, Kokoro covers his ear and says
"Yeah but you weren't part of the yakuza then! What will my mom think?" Nikita fluffs up Kokoro's hair and says
"I mean if you don't want to date me again. That's fine, but quit worrying about your mom so much. You are old enough to make bad decisions. Now come on, look at me. You know you want to date me again..." Kokoro stares into Nikita's eyes thoughtfully and his eyes begin to tear up, sniffling.
"You can't do this to me again Nikita... we never broke up. You just disappeared on me." He states, his voice cracking as tears begin to fall down his cheeks. Nikita frowns and reaches towards him, but Kokoro steps back continuing.
"You are so cruel, Kita." Nikita looks at him and says
"You won't even hear me out. I had to go out on a mission, but I died. I summoned a demon with my last breath and she brought be back to life. Ko... It was hard. I couldn't just come back." He gets up and starts to walk towards him. Kokoro balls up his fists and punches him, shouting.
"10 YEARS! You can't just go away for 10 years! So what?! You died! But you literally got resurrected! You could've come back!" He glares up at him and Nikita rubs his cheek, mumbling.
"Okay.. maybe I deserved that, but still. I was too shocked to just come back. So, I ended up working with a gang and I got promoted to leader after a while..." Kokoro replies
"You deserve more than that one punch. I should be able to hit you nine more times." Nikita pouts and looks at Kokoro, sulking.
"But you wouldn't do that. I'm too handsome and adorable to be punched nine more times.. you love me too much to abuse me like that." He reaches towards Kokoro again, only to get his hand swatted away.
"Quit assuming I'm just gonna date you again." He mutters and Nikita replies.
"But you're going to, right?" Kokoro shifts around a little and awkwardly looks away, confirming.
"... I'm going to ..."
Nikita smiles brightly and squishes him in a tight hug, saying
"I knew you would! You're still absolutely adorable Ko~" he peppers kisses all of Kokoro's face and Kokoro groans, blushing.
"Stoppp~!" He gently pushes him away and asks
"What are you gonna do about the yakuza?" Nikita sighs softly and says
"I'm still gonna work for them, it's good money. I don't get hunted down or attacked, people know better. That's also why I have my security guards. They are mainly for show though. I can protect myself and if you would like... I can protect you too." Kokoro asks
"What are you gonna protect me from? I don't have people trying to come kill me. Also, my mom protects me just fine." Nikita shrugs and says
"Okay, but one question. Can you still turn into an owl?" Kokoro furrows his eyebrows and replies.
"Uh yeah. Why wouldn't I be able to?" Nikita's eyes begin to sparkle and he says.
"Do it! I wanna see again! That's how I first seen you remember!!!" Kokoro nods and replies
"Fine." He transforms into a snowy white owl and lands on the windowsill. Nikita walks over and gently pets his head, before picking him up. He carries him around and sits him on the bed. Kokoro tilts his head and looks up at him, hooting. He flaps his wings slightly and turns back into his human form, stretching out on the bed.
Nikita looks at him and pins him down onto the bed, kissing his forehead. Kokoro stares up at him and begins to say something, but the bedroom door slides open before he can do so. Heisuke freezes in the doorway and clears his throat. Nikita freezes and his body begins trembling in fear. Kokoro looks up at Nikita worried and his father says
"Your mother is here Kokoro. Nikita... never mind." Heisuke leaves and Nikita is still frozen, tears dripping down onto Kokoro's cheeks. Kokoro sits up and Nikita crumpled into a ball. Kokoro's mother stands in the doorway looking in at them.
"Is that Nikita?" She asks, shocked and walks in, sitting on the edge of the bed. Kokoro nods and replies
"Yeah mom! He finally came back. Do you think he can stay over tonight?" Nikita stares up at Kokoro and Kokoro's mother says
"Of course! It will be just like old times! I would love to catch up too. Come on then boys. I will get the hot pot stuff out!" She leaves the room happily and heads back home. Kokoro gently nudged Nikita and says
"Come on let's go, your dad is gone." Kokoro pulls him up to his feet and they walk over to his house. Kokoro leads Nikita to his room and says
"Wait here. I'm gonna help mom and I will be right back. We need to talk about... that."
Kokoro leaves the room for a while and Nikita sits on the bed, tossing around paper airplanes. The bedroom door opens and Kokoro walks in, sitting on his bed. He says
"The hot pot will be ready in about an hour. Anyways, would you like to tell me about what happened with you earlier?" Nikita sighs and says
"I dunno. My dad has always been strict and scary. I vaguely remember hearing him say that 'I don't want him turning out like that'. Remember when you would come over and we would share the bed and stuff..." Kokoro nods and tilts his head. Nikita continues
"Well, I don't think he is like this anymore... but I think he was/is/maybe homophobic. Mom convinced him to be more open minded though. I wouldn't say I am scared of my dad. I mean I did die, but the memories still come back. I guess that is another reason I never wanted to come back... l didn't want to see him again. I did miss you a lot though."
Kokoro nods and pulls Nikita close to him, rubbing his back. He says
"I never knew your dad was like that... well I mean he was pretty rude when he first met me, but I kinda understood that."

Chaos in the Tea House
Narrativa generaleNaomi Dusk, everyone's favorite grim reaper is returning in a new retelling of her life. The story takes place in Kyoto in a small family owned tea house. It seems like chaos happens everyday there, but maybe there is meaning behind the madness. Ple...