The girl and the robot

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The pj masks laid the girl down on the sofa as pj robot came in.

Pj robot: *beeps* (what is that?)

Catboy: we don't know. But it came from outer space.

The girl wakes up and she gets confused.

???: what is this place?

Owlette: your awake.

Gekko: you passed out the moment you came out of your ship.

???: well, my home planet was very very far away from yours.

Owlette: you mean your not from our solar system?

Gekko: like the speedy twins?

Catboy: I'm begging to think we should throw her out.

Gekko: catboy, are you nuts?

Catboy: what is she gathers information about us?

Owlette: what do you think will happen?

Catboy: she'll tell her kind about us and come here.

Gekko: you've lost your mind catboy!

???: my kind would never do something like that.

Catboy: I don't trust you. Your kind are evil!

???: my kind is dead!

The pj masks were in shock that the girl was the last of her kind.

???: my home was destroyed, my kind were killed by the metarex, and now I'm the only one left!

Catboy: I am incredibly sorry. I just didn't know.

???: you made me feel bad.

Owlette: sorry about that. We're the pj masks. I'm owlette, this is catboy, and that's gekko.

Cosmo: my name is Cosmo. Cosmo the seedrian.

Catboy: seedrian? That's your kind?

Cosmo: yes. We are human plant hybrids who want peace.

Owlette: but who are the metarex?

Cosmo: the metarex are cruel and selfish robots. They won't stop until they get want they want. The planet eggs. Their the life cores of planets, but they all died when green gate exploded and I made it out alive.

The pj masks felt bad for Cosmo. But at Romeo's flying factory, he saw another spaceship.

Romeo: huh? I'm getting a closer look.

Romeo landed his flying factory and went to the spaceship, then someone stepped out.

Romeo: who are you? As he was terrified.

Dark oak: I am dark oak. The leader of the metarex. I have come here for your planet egg. Now give it to me! As he draws his sword.

Romeo: but I don't know where it is! I don't even know what a planet egg is!

Dark oak: the planet egg is the life core of all planets, and if removed. Life will die on that planet. And that is why I'm here, to claim your planet egg.

Romeo: you might think twice because those silly pj masks will stop you.

Dark oak: who are these pj masks?

Romeo: their super heroes who always stop my evil plans.

Robot: master. I found another spaceship.

Romeo: let me see if robot!

Robot pulls out a picture of the pj masks, Orticia and Cosmo.

Romeo: who is that?

Dark oak: *gasp* white seed!

Romeo: white seed?

Dark oak: that is her code name, her real name is Cosmo.

Romeo: how about we team up?

Dark oak: hmm. Very well, you handle white seed and I'll handle the pj masks.

Romeo: all part of the plan. As he smirks evilly.

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