Planning an attack

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Catboy and Cosmo were inside HQ telling gekko and owlette.

Gekko: dark oak has orticia?!

Cosmo: his plan is to make plant life the only life form in the universe.

Owlette: we have to stop him!

Catboy: but he cut your leg.

Pj robot: *beeps* "she'll be okay, I'll have her better in no time."

Catboy: thanks pj robot.

Gekko: we must come up with a plan.

Cosmo: I must warn you all, by looking at your villains, he's the biggest threat to you.

Catboy: we'll come up with something.

But at the flying factory. Romeo and dark oak were also coming up with a plan.

Romeo: so the planet egg is the core of life on a planet?

Dark oak: yes, we must think of something before those brats do.

Carly: um, we might have some ideas.

Cartoka: maybe you'll be interested?

Dark oak: go on, impress me.

Carly: we'll go to zoomzania to get zoom crystals so you will go super fast to find the planet egg quicker.

Dark oak: how can I go fast without a vehicle?! Wait... you have you own planet?

Carly: we do.

Dark oak: take me there.

Cartoka: right this way.

Romeo: I wanna see this.

Back with the pj masks. Cosmo was searching through the villains and heroes.

Cosmo: your villains are truly bad.

Catboy: we know Cosmo.

Owlette: so what now?

Gekko: we'll lure dark oak out with a fake planet egg as bait, then we corner him from all sides so he won't get out.

Cosmo: that won't work. He can sense planet egg energy and did you forget he wields a sword?

Gekko: I forgot about the sword.

Catboy: let's try something else.

In zoomzania. The speedy twins took dark oak and Romeo there.

Dark oak: it's disgusting! An abomination! I hate racing.

Carly: please don't say anything bad about our planet.

Dark oak: well, it has one thing I want. As he shoves his hand into the ground and pulls out zoomzania's planet egg.

Dark oak: this.

Romeo: that looks powerful!

Zoomzania begins to decay.

Carly: what's happening to our planet?!

Dark oak: I forgot to tell you, when the planet egg is removed, the planet's life dies.

Speedy twins: NOOOO!!!!!!

Dark oak: come Romeo, we have the car to escape. As he and Romeo hopped in the flash car and drives away into the city.

Cartoka: our planet is dead!

Carly: and they stole our flash car!

The two teams begin plotting.

Catboy: we'll get our pj riders to help.

Romeo: my robots will seek out the planet egg.

Owlette: in order to win, we must think of a trap.

Dark oak: in order to win, we must get rid of those foolish kids so they can't stop us.

Gekko: I'll use my super gekko mussels to lift dark oak.

Romeo: I'll use my slow ray so kitty cat can't run.

Catboy: I'll then use my cat stripes to tie him up.

Dark oak: I'll then use my sword to cut through their disguises.

Owlette: I'll use my owl feather nest to cage him.

Romeo: I'll use my Ice ray to freeze that birdbrain.

Catboy: and...

Owlette: we'll...

Gekko: get...

Romeo: that...

Dark oak: planet egg!

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