Helping out

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Owlette: so your name is Cosmo, your species are called seedrians, your planet is called green gate, and your the last one left?

Cosmo: it's all true, sadly.

Gekko: don't worry Cosmo. We're with you.

Pj robots: *beeps* (guys! Night ninja is stealing from the museum!)

Catboy: we're on it!

Cosmo: I'll come with you. You might need help.

Owlette: okay Cosmo, you can come with us.

Cosmo: thanks.

The pj masks released their pj riders as Cosmo was shocked but then she got on eagle owl with owlette and they took off.

At the museum. Night ninja and his ninjalinos were stealing from the pirate exhibit.

Night ninja: we're rich ninjalinos!

Catboy: not on our watch night ninja!

Night ninja: pj masks!

Cosmo: just put it all back and we hurt you.

Night ninja: and a girl who looks like a plant?

Owlette: she IS a plant! Let's go guys!

The pj masks started fighting night ninja and his ninjalinos as Cosmo just watched.

Cosmo: why do they do this? Why can't they just make up?

Night ninja: your mine girl!

Catboy: watch out Cosmo!

Cosmo sees night ninja behind her, she got scared and accidentally wrapped him in vines.

Pj masks: woah!

Cosmo: oh my goodness! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean it!

Gekko: why are you apologising?

Cosmo: I don't like violence.

Pj masks: your a pacifist?!

Night ninja: HA! This is great. The little girl doesn't fight.

Owlette: let her go night ninja. Her species is extinct.

Night ninja: wait what?

Cosmo: yeah, how would you feel when your ninjalinos are gone?

Night ninja: don't say that! You can have it you meanie! As he runs away crying with his ninjalinos fallowing him.

Catboy: that was over the line.

Cosmo: huh?

Owlette: we stop the villains, not insult them.

Cosmo: I insulted?! I'm so sorry!

Gekko: Cosmo relax. It's okay, you just goofed up. We goof up all the time.

Then they heard singing.

Catboy: that's orticia.

Cosmo: is she the girl I saw?

Owlette: it is.

Orticia was planting in the streets when the pj masks and Cosmo came to her.

Orticia: the plantie is on your side?!

Catboy: this is how you thank us Orticia? By planting everywhere again?!

Orticia: humans are lame! Plants will rule! As she laughs evilly and continues planting.

Comso: NO!!! As she made all the plants disappear.

Orticia: my garden! What did plantie do?!

Cosmo: plants will never rule over! You filthy disgrace!

Pj masks: Cosmo!

Orticia: plantie hurt my feelings! As she runs away crying.

Cosmo: oh no! Orticia, wait! As she ran after her.

Catboy: we should fallow her.

???: I cannot let you do that, pj masks.

Catboy: what are you?

???: my species go by... metarex!

Owlette: the metarex?! Your all here?!

???: no, just me. I'm the only one left of the metarex. I am there leader. DARK OAK!

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